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Go to the link "KJV: simple searches" at this URL:

and then on the left, type your word on the search bar, select all, or New Testament, and click search.. Or you could use a concordance, as long as you are sure that the concordance 1) was prepared for the particular bible translation you are interested in, and 2) it is an exhaustive concordance, meaning that every single occurance of each word is referenced. A concordance is a bible reference book that lists each word in a given translation alphabetically, and it gives references to the passages in the translation that contain that word. Since translations differ, sometimes substantially, it's important to look for a concordance that was prepared for that translation. Exhaustive concordance: usually this means that this concordance lists each and every possible word in the translation, along with all references to that word. These concordances even list words like: a, the, to, if, etc. A concordance may call itself "Complete", but this might not serve your purposes. A complete concordance will list only some of the possible words in the translation, but every word that islisted will be accompanied by every reference to that word that appears in the translation. Quick reference concordances at the backs of some bibles are just that-- for quick reference. They may be neither exhaustive nor complete. You need to check the accompanying notes.

Another idea is to use online versions. Most Bible versions have sites where you can do both text and word searches to give this information. Do a web search of the version of choice, and most will give you this option. Some concordances are also online now.

One example of this is Bible Gateway. This is useful as the number of times a word appears varies between versions, and you can easily check a range of versions. See the Web Link ' Bible Gateway' to the left.

//////////////////// ANSWER: This is a very complicated study. You can't rely on the data from a database and here is why. For example if you do a word search for the word, 'Aaron' the data base will give you a total of 350 words of Aaron, but then you must do a manual search using another program like Word to find out that out of the 350 words there are 31 Aaron's, so then you find that there are only 319 words of Aaron. I show the work and techniques to count a certain word correctly at the link. Like if you want to count the word 'and' (not case sensitive) And is used (51701) times. You will find that the work is given at the link to attain the correct counts - King James Statistics In the King James version

the word - If - appears 1595 times

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