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The program below will search all non-directory files in the starting directory. If you want to search all subdirectories, you'll have to modify it to recurse a bit.

Note that this will also only do plain text searches of files. It will most likely not find your string in a MS Word .doc file.

Also note that this will not find multiple-line search strings, since it reads and checks one line of the file at a time.


final String dirName; // path of directory you want to search

final String str = ""; // string to search for

final File dir = new File(dirName);

for (File f : dir.listFiles()) {

if (!f.isDirectory()) {

System.out.println(f + ": " + fileContains(f, str));




// returns true iff f contains str

private static final boolean fileContains(final File f, final String str) throws IOException {

final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));

String currentLine;

while ((currentLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

if (currentLine.contains(str)) {

in.close();return true;




return false;


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15y ago


* @param roots directories to start searching from

* @param regex regular expression used to find good matches

* @return a Collection of all File objects in each directory and

* subdirectory of roots whose filename matches regex.


public static final Collection<File> getFiles(final String[] roots, final String regex) {

// Note: This method does very little error checking. It's left up

// to the user to provide valid input.

// storage of good File matches

final ArrayList<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>();

// don't continue unless roots contains some data

if (roots == null roots.length > 0) {

// current working Stack of files yet-to-be-searched

final Stack<File> fileStack = new Stack<File>();

// add all root directories to file stack

for (String r : roots) {

fileStack.push(new File(r));


// start processing our file stack

File[] files;

while (!fileStack.empty()) {

// add all subdirectories of the current file to files

files = fileStack.pop().listFiles();

// if files is null, then one of our roots was not a directory

if (files != null) {

// search through files

for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {

// add any matches to our good file listing

if (files[i].getName().matches(regex)) {



// add any subdirectories to the file stack

if (files[i].isDirectory()) {







return fileList;


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Q: How do you search the given word in all files from the directory in java?
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