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Q: How do you seduce your preteen sister?
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Why did Zeus carry off Cadmus' sister?

Zeus carried off Cadmus' sister, Europa, basically to seduce her.

What are the requirements to be in a preteen glitz pageant?

you have to be a preteen

If you and your sister have urges to experiment with each other how can you seduce her when she shy so you can get it out of your systems?

Were you sexually abused as a child? You might want to seek counseling. Agreed. seek counseling and find a non family member who is willing to have sexual intercourse with you or simply abstain from sex. There are laws that pertain to incest, which is what you are suggesting when you ask how to seduce your sister. There are valid reasons for those laws, not to mention other issues that are involved. You definitely need to seek help. The very fact that you say you and your sister have urges and then ask how to seduce her makes it appear that it might be only you that has the urges. Get help before you do something you might regret for the rest of your life.

How old do you have to be to be a young preteen?

A preteen is ages 10-12. A young preteen woul probably be 10 and 11.

What warning does Laertes give his sister at the beginning of scene 3?

He warns her to watch out for Hamlet, because his protestations of love may be merely designed to seduce her.

Can you give me a sentence for the word seduce?

The mysterious stranger tried to seduce her with his charming smile and smooth words.

What does seduce my mind you can have my body seduce my soul and I'm yours forever mean?

seduce my mind means be decent on the showing but seduce my soul means you are pure! You are mine ... Answer and I am yours!

What is the Spanish translation for preteen?

The spanish word for preteen is preadolescente.

Is 11 a preteen?

Yes, if you are 10 to 12 you are a preteen, or tween.

When are you a real preteen?

You are a preteen at 11-12 then at thirteen you are a teenager

Is 12 preteen?

Yes, actually, 12 is the last year of a preteen. 10-12 is the ages of a preteen. When you're 13, you are a teenager.

What is the ages of a preteen?

Anyone between the ages of 10-12 is a preteen.