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Q: How do you see all my sent masseages?
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How do you see sent messages in orkut?

Check out the related link for information on how to see sent messages in orkut.

What does Cc mean when your emailing someone?

It means "Carbon Copy." "To"s, "Cc"s, and "Bc"s are all about recipients being able to see who else the email was sent to. This is different as opposed to a normal recipient because if you select someone as a Cc, then they will see Everyone the email was sent to, but no one else will see there name on the "Sent to" roster.

Is it correct to write All of them have sent response?

It would be correct if you would've said, "All of them have sent a response," or, "All of them have sent responses."

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Can phone companies see sent pictures?

No they can not. But if you ask your phone companies they will most likely answer you honestly. We all have our own privacy.

Why can't I see my sent messages in Orkut?

The new Orkut format doesn't allow people to see the sent messages. You will be able to revert to the old format to view sent messages.

Why has my HTC stopped showing my sent messages and how do I see them again?

If your HTC has stopped showing sent text messages the text settings may have been altered. You can set your phone to keep all sent messages through the message settings feature.

Why did scientists sent a dog to space?

they also sent Monkeys. They did this to see what would happen if they sent them to the moon and Other places.

What country sent them on the expedition and why they were sent?

if your talking about Neil Armstrong and them, then America sent them to see what was out there better than a satellite or probe

How do you see on animal jam the the jam-a-grams you sent?

You cant see the Jam-A-Grams that you send to other jammers, you can only see the Jam-A-Grams that other people sent to you

If you send mms to anyone how can you believe no one see that?

All messages sent through any messaging service is recorded some how