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Chromatography cannot be used because biro ink does not dissolve in water. I actually dont know how to separate the colors in Biro ink.. :( sorry, but look it up on!

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as you can't use chromatography using water in this one, you have to use this type of alcahol- C2H5OH which is Ethanol. :)

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Q: How do you separate the colours in biro ink?
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What are the difference between a quill pen and a Biro?

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Ladislao Biro was working as a journalist when he found that the newspaper ink was smudge-free. So he started to work with his brother, Georg, to create the Biro.

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3/4 of the plastic.

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One way to separate muddy water from ink is to use filtration. Pass the mixture through a filter paper or cloth, the muddy water will be retained while the ink will pass through. Another method is to let the mixture settle, allowing the heavier mud particles to sink to the bottom, and then carefully decant the ink from the top.

How can you remove biro ink from silk?

To remove biro ink from silk, place a clean cloth underneath the stained area and apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol on the ink. Blot the area gently, then rinse with cold water. Repeat these steps until the stain is removed, then wash the silk garment as recommended.

Which different colors are in black biro ink?

Black biro ink typically consists of a mixture of black, blue, and purple color pigments. These colors combine to create the dark and rich black color commonly seen in biro pens.

Why did Laszlo Biro make the ball point pen?

to make writing with ink easier

Why black ink was able to separated?

Because most black inks are made up of more than one colour. When the ink gets wet, the colours separate.

What are another examples of solvent and solute?

Solvents can be used in chromotography (used to separate the colours in a ink of some type): waters ethanol others........

How are dyes and ink separated?

Dyes and inks can be separated based on their solubility in different solvents or through chromatography techniques. For example, chromatography can be used to separate the components of a dye or ink based on their differences in affinity for a stationary phase and a mobile phase. These separation methods help identify and isolate individual components present in dyes and inks.