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Q: How do you separate vegetable oil salt and sand?
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How do you separate a mixture of sand salt and oil?

Pour the oil and sand in a glass of water. The sand will sink to the bottom, and the oil will float to the top of the water.

Can you separate salt and water with a sieve?

It is virtually impossible to separate salt and water with a sieve unless the two materials have not been touched. This is because when salt is combined with water, it dissolves, and then it is mixed in with the water. To separate these two materials, you have to let the water evaporate, so then the salt is left.

Can salt will dissolve in vegetable oil without heating?

no it can not

What sequence do you go through to separate a mixture of water oil salt sand and steel feelings?

#1 remove the oil by separating funnel , the oil will float on the water. #2 magnet to remove the steel filings (Note the spelling) #3 filter to remove the sand . #4 evaporate to remove the water , and leave the salt.

When salt and water are this a new substance?

Yes - in that the water is no longer pure... No - in that the salt can be reclaimed from the water by evaporation. The salt and the water are separate substances. The salt is said to be 'in suspension'.

Why do they call vegetable oil vegetable oil if it is not made from vegetables and is not healthy?

It is made from vegetables or grain if you want to be specific. This is to separate them from animal fats.

What do you need to make french fries?

you need potatoes , vegetable oil , and salt if you want salt

When you combine water and vegetable oil together why do they separate?

Because the oil is less dense then the water.

Is vegetable oil homogeneous or heterogeneous?

It is heterogenous because if you set it out, it will eventually separate.

How do you separate salt and oil?

HOW TO SEPARATE SALT FROM OIL .First of all to separate salt from oil you need to pour some water, salt, and oil into a beaker in that order. .After you have put those materials in the beaker, you should see the salt dissolving, then you should be left with oil and water. .Next to separate the oil from the water you could either, leave the solution for a while and the oil eventually should rise to the top and float above the water, or you could use a funnel with a stopcock at the bottom which will allow you to drain the water out underneath the oil. GOOD LUCK! :)