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Q: How do you set classroom rules that illistate ideas for the constitution?
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What is classroom etiquette?

Classroom etiquette are rules that apply to a classroom that a teacher gives.

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Is there a band called Classroom rules?

Not with any notoriety, as of yet.

A plan that provides the rules for government is called a?


What are some good high school classroom rules?

classroom rules are simple. all you need to do is pay attention and dont lose focus. share your works and dont bring anything dangerous. there is your answer. -limhuot-

Why did George Washington form the constitution?

To have a better understanding of the rules after we gave up the king. We needed something for the rules and it was the constitution.

Citizens of Ohio must abide by the rules and laws in their state constitution. They also have to follow the rules and laws in the US Constitution. Why is this?

The U.S. Constitution is the highest authority in the country.

A plan that provides rules for its government?

The Constitution makes the rules for government.

How does a democracy work to protect the rights and ideas of the majority and the minorities in a society?

A democracy protects the rights and ideas of the majority through the vote or ballot in which the majority rules. A democracy protects the rights and ideas of a minority only if it also has a supreme law such as a constitution that puts limits on what the majority rule may do.

Who sets the rules of the congress?

The Constitution

What is one of the purposes of the constitution?

to have rules

Slogans for the Constitution?

bring the birth of constitution through rules