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file = fopen("numbers.txt", "r");

this way you can open a file in your working directory.

file = fopen("/home/student/numbers.txt", "r");

this way, you can give the path and open a file.but i don't know how search for a file and open it.if someone can help me...

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Q: How do you set the path for file handling in c?
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File handling is simply the process of opening, reading, writing and closing files. Files are simply streams for input and output, or the "serialisation" of objects. In other words, reading and writing data to and from disk storage.

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What is definition of file handling in c plus plus?

File is a place where information or data is stored. we make use of some of the file-handling functions in c like: fopen()-for opening a file. fclose()-to close a file. Every file being opened for any operations like: "r"- Read-Only mode. "w"-Write-only mode. "a"-append mode. "r+"-read+write mode. "w+"-write+read mode. "a+"-read+append mode. We should make use of FILE pointer ,in order to perform any such operations on the files. There are many input and output functions used along with files. fgetc() fgets() fscanf() fputc() fprintf() fputs() fseek() rewind() File handling is used to read or write a file without directly opening it.its contents are opened in another files by using above specified commands in c++ programming for file handling we have to use a header file but in c noheader file regarding to file handling is required

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yes sir

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