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Lie about the date of birth.

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Q: How do you set up a Hotmail account if you are under 18?
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How can teenagers get access to paypal?

under 18 u need to set up a student account

Do you need to be 18 years or older to have a yahoo Email account?

Yes, you have to be 18 to have a yahoo account. If your under 18, someone will have to help you create the yahoo account.

How do you make a playstation network account under 18?

You don't under 18 is quote Sub Accounts will be created based on the age of the account holder. Users under 18 will automatically be creating a sub account. Sub Accounts must be created in association with a Master Account. see related links

Is it illegal to create a playstation network account under 18 years of age?

You can not say you are under age 18 and create master account. If you fraud in creating a PS3 account it would be illegal

What happens if you create a playstation network master account under 18 years of age?

Anyone under the age of 18 can only create a sub account under a Master account unless they fraudulently complete the account claiming to be an adult or assuming the identity of an adult.

Can minor operate trading account?

You must be 18 to establish a trading account. If you are under 18 you can have an account assigned to your social security number but it must be a custodial account and a custodian will control the account until you are 18 years of age.

Can you have a gmail account if you are under the age of 18?

Yes, the TOUs of GMail in your country clearly state a minimum age; normally of 13 years. The minimum age is determined by your country laws.

How do you enter a login and password for ps3 wifi?

You don't. What you do is set up a Playstation Account,also called a master account because if you are under 18 users must be in a sub account under A master account of someone over 18. There is a video that shows how to do the account and has been added as a related link How do I create a new PlayStation®Network Master account?A related link was also added for How do I connect the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system to the Internet?

Can you be under 18 to have a MySpace account?

In order to open a "MySpace" Account, you must be 13 or older.

How old do you have to be to set up a savings account online?

To set up a savings account without a parent it is typically preferred that one be 18 or over to do so online. Many banks, however, prefer their cliants to set up an account in person.

Can YouTube sue anyone for a video if they are under 18?

no you have to be 13 to have a YouTube account

How old must you be to have your own savings account?

any age, however if you are a minor under 18 your account must be in your parent or guardians name also. once you turn 18 you can have your own account solely.