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First of all, you need to make the mountain without the contour lines with the sandbox tools,

Then, move the whole mountain above the ground say, 6". Then, make a huge rectangle quite a bit bigger then your mountain, then make the rectangle a component, copy it up about 1-50' (Making an array) depending on the size of your mountain until you can't see the top of the highest peak, and select the mountain and all of the rect components, and run Intersect With Model. Then, delete the components, and move the mountain, and the newly created contour lines, back to their original spots. Done!

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Q: How do you show a mountain with contour lines?
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What contour lines show on a topographic map?

Contour lines show levels of elevation, where there are hills and valleys on a map

What map would you use to know the height of a mountain?

A topographical map will show contour lines and spot heights, with mountain tops marked with their height.

What do elevation maps use to show elevation?

Maps can show elevation with contour lines

How do contour lines show elevation?

The darker contour lines on map are called index contour lines. Numbers that indicate elevations are often written on these lines.

What is the purpose of contour on topographic map?

Contour lines show elevation.

What is the purpose of contour line on topographic map?

Contour lines show elevation.

Do contour lines show elevation?


What do contour maps show?

Most people are probably familiar with contour lines found on topographic maps, which show elevation. Contour lines can also show weather and climate data, such as temperatures and humidity. Less common, bathymetry (the depth of water bodies) can also be shown using contours.

Contour lines that form a circle indicate?

the top of the elevated hill, slope, or mountain.

What are maps called that show elevation with lines showing each new leve of elevation?

A contour map. The lines are called contour lines

What type of lines can be used on a map to show elevation?

contour lines

What do contour lines on a topographic map show?

They show the relief of an area. They will have height values attached to them. The distance between contour lines gives an impression of gradient. The closer they are together, the steeper the slope.