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reli? dude, u hav to switch off ur main water pipe and then drain out excess water in ur house (Shower, taps etc.)

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Q: How do you shut off water while on vacation to prevent frozen pipes?
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How can one prevent frozen pipes?

One can prevent pipes from freezing during cold temperatures by ensuring water runs through them. A good idea to do this is to let the tap drip. Draining the water system when going on vacation during cold spells can help pipes from freezing as well.

Will pouring hot water down your frozen water pipes help with thawing the pipes out?


Should water meter be turned off if pipes are frozen?

If pipes are frozen no water can flow, so water meter shouldn't be registering anything. But if pipes are frozen it's a good idea to turn the water off at the inlet. That way you have a chance to discover and leaks and damages when the pipes thaw w/o getting the whole place flooded.

Why the pipes broke during the freezing cold weather?

water expands when frozen.


To prevent using as potable water.

Can low pressure on the hot water side be a cause of frozen pipes?

Pressure has nothing to do with pipes freezing. It is just exposure to cold.

Why do pipes have to be lagged?

prevent itlost and prevent water in lesent

A plumber has put 18 gallons of antifreeze into my water pipes can the antifreeze interact with copper or lead pipes or pipes with lead soddering and cause contamination to the water?

I can't think you are talking drinking water pipes because anitfreeze is poisonous. Nor should you have lead pipes or lead solder in drinking water pipes. So either sleeve pipes or heating pipes then. Antifreeze has inhibitors designed to prevent corrosion.

Should supply line coming out of hot water tank have a drop down leg in it to keep the tank from losing heat out the pipes?

No this is not necessary. Install the pipes as per usual. You can insulate the hot water pipes up to two meters or up to two yards from the hot water outlet from the hot water tank to prevent this. No this is not necessary. Install the pipes as per usual. You can insulate the hot water pipes up to two meters or up to two yards from the hot water outlet from the hot water tank to prevent this.

A man who repairs frozen water pipes?

That be called a "plumber" male and female

How does pipes taking water save instead of open ditches and canals?

pipe prevent water from evaporation.

Is yellow brass safe for water pipes?

It is safe, but it will rot out. It is used to prevent electrolysis, but that is pretty much it nowadays. Pex is more commonly used for water pipes.