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Q: How do you soften stiff cardboard?
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What do you call strong card board?

You would call strong cardboard 'cardboard'. It doesn't matter how strong it is, the cardboard is still cardboard. Even if the cardboard is extremely stiff, it is still cardboard, and there is no special name for it.

What is the synonym for cardboard?

a heavy,stiff paper used to make boxes and posters

How do you spell cardboard?

The correct spelling for "cardboard" is C-A-R-D-B-O-A-R-D.

What is the job for joints?

To allow the body to move around and not be stiff like a cardboard cut out.

How do you clean a zester that has dried citrus zest on it?

The zester should be soaked in soapy water to soften the food residue, then cleaned with a stiff brush, such as a tooth brush.

Pair of leather chaps that have gone very stiff and you need to know how to soften the leather again?

Try cleaning with saddle soap and then a good leather conditioner

What stiffness mean?

it means it can not move around muchSome definitions straight from my apple laptop:stiff |stif|adjective1 not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid : a stiff blackcollar | stiff cardboard.• not moving as freely as is usual or desirable; difficult to turn or operate : a stiff drawer | the faucet in the shower is a little stiff.• (of a person or part of the body) unable to move easily and without pain : he was stiff from sitting on the desk | a stiff back.• (of a person or their manner) not relaxed or friendly; constrained : she greeted him with stiff politeness.• viscous; thick : add wheat until the mixture is quite stiff.2 severe or strong : they face stiff fines and a possible jail sentence | a stiff increase in taxes.

What does stiffness?

it means it can not move around muchSome definitions straight from my apple laptop:stiff |stif|adjective1 not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid : a stiff blackcollar | stiff cardboard.• not moving as freely as is usual or desirable; difficult to turn or operate : a stiff drawer | the faucet in the shower is a little stiff.• (of a person or part of the body) unable to move easily and without pain : he was stiff from sitting on the desk | a stiff back.• (of a person or their manner) not relaxed or friendly; constrained : she greeted him with stiff politeness.• viscous; thick : add wheat until the mixture is quite stiff.2 severe or strong : they face stiff fines and a possible jail sentence | a stiff increase in taxes.

What does Stiffness mean?

it means it can not move around muchSome definitions straight from my apple laptop:stiff |stif|adjective1 not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid : a stiff blackcollar | stiff cardboard.• not moving as freely as is usual or desirable; difficult to turn or operate : a stiff drawer | the faucet in the shower is a little stiff.• (of a person or part of the body) unable to move easily and without pain : he was stiff from sitting on the desk | a stiff back.• (of a person or their manner) not relaxed or friendly; constrained : she greeted him with stiff politeness.• viscous; thick : add wheat until the mixture is quite stiff.2 severe or strong : they face stiff fines and a possible jail sentence | a stiff increase in taxes.

What material is frosty's hat made of?

Frosty's hat can be made of felt or cardboard. His hat would have been a stiff sort of felt used in top hats in the old days.

What is a very thick stiff paper?

Cardstock is a very thick and stiff paper often used for crafting, printing business cards, invitations, or other paper products requiring a sturdy material. It is thicker and more durable than standard paper but still flexible enough for various applications.

Why do you need water softening?

there is chalk (CaCo3) in the water, which makes the water "hard"... i.e. if you wash your clothes, the fabric becomes stiff. But adding an agent to the chalky water will "soften" it, this means that the chalk will chemically be removed.