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both parties need to compromise/build a bridge agree to disagree take turns giving in

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Q: How do you solve disputes at meetings?
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How do you solve international business disputes?

Disputes are often solved by finding a mutually agreeable compromise.

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It is to solve taxpayers' tax disputes. It supplies a one-time chance for taxpayers to come forward and solve the tax disputes over 16 listed transactions.

What is the role of a peacemaker?

someone who is used to solve disputes or arguments and conflicts

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Well its better to discuse things when you have your teammates around to help you solve it!

What organization tries to find solutions to world problems and disputes?

This would be the United Nations. They work together in order to solve the disputes that might occur throughout the world.

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Solve international disputes and Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points

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He argued for the creation of an international body to help solve disputes.

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There are many purposes of meetings that are set up for businesses. These meetings are held to solve company problems.

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Meaning of labor legislation?

Labor legislature refers to the relationship that employees have with their employers. It attempts to solve conflicts and labor union disputes.

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The role of the Industrial Relations Commission is to solve industrial disputes. The IRC is a government organization local to Australia.

Why do companies hold meetings?

to organize ideas, solve problems, organize work team, sharing information to make decisions, to get suggestions and brainstorm ideas.