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Q: How do you spell so I vacuumed her?
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Past tense of vaccum?

The past tense of vacuum is vacuumed.

How long does vacuumed wine last?

Vacuumed wine that is refrigerated can last at least two weeks.

What happens when a fan is switched on in a vacuumed room?

There will inevitably be dust that has not been vacuumed up and this will probably start to swirl around.

How do you spell the plural of vacuum?

The plural is vacuums. (could be vacuum cleaners, or separate situations of a vacuum)

What is meant by vaced the pool?

It means it was vacuumed.

What is the correct spelling of vacuummed?

It's spelled Vacuum. This is the American spelling like "color" instead of the British "Colour". Another spelling is Vacume (Canadian) There is not always one way to spell words as many have been co-opted by cultures like American. As we speak English I would go with the British spelling. Vacuum.

What are these strawberries doing in your vacuum cleaner?

Uh, you might of vacuumed them up while you were vacuuming...they mighta fallen off the table and then you vacuumed them up. Hope I helped....

Is there a liquid you can add to pool water to remove silt?

Clarifier helps it clump together and fall to the bottom so that it can be vacuumed up.

What is the past tense of vacuum?

The past tense is vacuumed.

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Why does pool water become cloudy after being vacuumed?


What is spell absorbsion in oblivion?

it absorbs the spell so that you get a portion of magicka in which the spell is so if the spell they used needs 90 magicka and your spell absorption is 15% then you get 15% of their spell :)