

How do you spell the word mention?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: How do you spell the word mention?
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You spell "menchen" just as it is shown in this answer: mention. You can use spell checker programs to check your spelling on your computer or on your cell phone.

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The anagram is "ointment." The next-longest word is mention.

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The correct spelling is "mention". It means to bring something up in a conversation or to refer to something briefly.

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One of these is likely your word: MANSION - (noun) a large house MENTION - (verb, noun) to speak of, or a spoken comment

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The word meaning "ability to see" is "sight".The word meaning "a place of land" is "site".The word meaning "to mention" is "cite".

How do you spell mention?

That is the correct spelling

What does the word mention mean in a courtroom?

The word "mention" has no particular legal meaning. It means the same as it always does.

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the hardest word to spell is: perpondickulor

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The Spanish word for "spell" (as in letters in a word) is "deletrear" Which translated lyerally means to separate the letters. The word for "spell" (as in time) is "temporada". The word for "spell" (as in hex) is "encanto".

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You can use the word mention in the following sentence. I wish that he would mention me in his speech.

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