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This is the real way that the military do it, well at least the Honor Guard Way.

  1. Brush off any dirt or dust on the boot, from heel to toe with the hard-bristled brush.
  2. Wrap the duster cloth around your index finger, making sure there are no wrinkles. Apply a medium layer of polish to the boot using the duster and your finger. Rubbing in until a faint shine sneaks through.
  3. Once the faint shine comes through and the polish has been worked into the boot, take your index finger and the cloth and dip it Lightly into the warm water, and start rubbing it into the boot over the polish in small circles about an inch wide. Keep doing this until a greater shine comes through and the swirls start to disappear.
  4. Leave it to dry for a few minutes, and then once dry, take your index finger again and apply a thin layer of polish to the boot, start rubbing it in until an even better shine comes through, then apply the water to it using the method in Step 3. Leave to dry again.
  5. Take the damp index finger and apply a tiny dot of polish to the boot and work in till it shines. Make sure that the cloth is very damp but not dripping.
  6. Repeat Step 5 until you get the desired level of shine.
  7. Take the duster (fold it into a smallish rectangle) or soft shoe brush and buff the boot all over until it starts to shine as much as you want it to be.
  • Make sure that the polish you use is a Kiwi brand, as other brands will probably tarnish your boots and contain chemicals that will make them crack
  • You can also use vinegar instead of warm water for improved results.
  • In step 6 you should apply maybe about 8-9 layers as it gives best shine.
  • Apply the polish to the sole edges as well. Boots look much neater and greater if they are cleaned literally from ground to top.
  • You may also want to consider using cotton wool unless your duster has been boil washed because of the yellow dye in the duster.
  • Another option is to use Leather Luster. This is a product that you paint on to the boot and allow to dry. This will give you an almost "instant" mirror finish with low maintenance. However, this finish will crack and will be next to impossible to remove. It should only be used on surfaces that will not bend.
  • Another point to think about is to melt the polish onto the boot/shoe - sit the polish tin in hot water to soften to a thin paste and rub in.
  • Old stockings are the best to use for buffing - just make sure they are old and not your mum's!
  • Do not use Morello on leather as it will ruin them.
  • Do not use alcohol as it can strip the already existing polish of the shoes!
  • Be wary when using Kiwi Parade Gloss as the silicone in the wax will create large, deep scratches in the polish if and when you scuff your shoe
Things You'll Need
  • Tin of Wax-based Polish (Kiwi Parade Gloss or Kiwi Shoe polish)
  • Yellow Dusting cloth
  • 1 Soft Bristled Shoe Brush
  • 1 Hard Bristled Shoe Brush
  • Cup of Warm Water
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11y ago

The stuff you will need to bull your boots are...

A soft cloth,

Kiwi Polish (Don't use the Parade Gloss because it is too greasy.)

Hot Water,

The best and most efficient way to spit-shine boots. You start with wrapping the cloth really tightly around your index finger. Then you dab it in the Hot Water. Once this is done you need to take some polish and put it on the tip of your finger. Then you start where you want and applying firm pressure, you move your finger in a circular motion. If you feel a raspy feeling on the boot you have too much polish on your finger. The way to fix this is to dab your finger a little more in the water. If you see little water streaks or splashes on your boots you have too much polish so you need to get some more polish on your cloth.

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I presume you're asking about what's commonly known as spit shining. As a former cadet, I can tell you that the procedures you hear about lighting the polish on fire to liquefy it (to get lots of polish on in one application) or lighting your boots on fire, are generally more work than they're worth. You're better off just perfecting your spit shine technique. See this link;

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Shoe Shine... something like that!

How do you shine combat boots if the factory shine is still on?

A fresh combat boot from factory can be shine to a higher shine, but it'll be troublesome in the future, as the layer will get crack because the nourishing layers did not absorb into the boots. However, to achieve the best result, first break in the pair of boots, then wash it with saddle soap. Buff the saddle soap with a brush and then soft cloth for a soft luster. Then apply a layer of leather balm and the boots is good for polishing now.

How do you spit shine shoes?

In the military, we learned how to "spit" shine shoes, although we didn't use spit and they weren't shoes, but boots. You need: some black paste type show polish (for black, I've never tried other colors), a bit of fresh, clean water and cotton balls inaddition to your regular shoe shining kit. First, clean and shine your shoes or boots as normal. Then, dip the cotton balls in the water and add a bit of the shoe polish. Work that into the tip of the show in small circular motions. Continually repeat this step until you've built up a smooth layer of polish that will be absolutely mirror like. The water lubes the polish and allows it to solidify and build up to fill in the pores of the leather. It takes some time and effort, but is very easy to touch up once done.

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How do you shine boots?

you get black polisha nd a cloth and rub it onto the boot until it shines

Do patent boots contain any real leather?

Yes, patent boots contain what is known as patent leather, which is real leather, but it has been given a glossy sheen that allows the boots to shine and look good.

How do you shine black leather boots to a high gloss shine?

Start by cleaning it with ammonia based cleaner (if the leather allows it) then dry off and buff with a polish brush. Next use Shoe Shine (not polish) to make it very glossy.