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I would just say "oh hey!insert name here how are you" and then she will say good are bad. most likely good and then you say something great and or exciting in youre life and that will start an engaging converstion

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Q: How do you start a conversation with a girl that you just met and you already know her name?
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Lol, just be yourself, start conversation by telling her the things you like and things about urself, and then just 'go with the flow'.

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just say hey whats up and go from there\

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Just talk to her. Start with an inside joke, or something you have in common. Both worked for me a week ago :)

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All you have to do is NOT go up to her instantly just sit next to her..... Or if you already know the girl and you like her just start a conversation from a distance and when you start to get comfortable move closer or when she starts to get comfortable just approach her........... P.S: Dont try any corny jokes and when you get closer to her dont look away or to your friends because if you do shes going to think its just a game that your playing....

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just go up and start a conversation :) you can do it girl

I'm from a different country and I want to know how to start a conversation with a girl I like.?

just start by going up to her and saying hi. then just say something like i like ur shoes or shirt or something. that's only one way to start a conversation. :)

How do you start conversation?

just start talking

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U should probably just start up a random conversation and just c what it comes up 2.