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Introduce the feed in an area where the calf will notice it and be curious about it. Patience also helps too. Introduction of feed should've been done when the calf was around a week old so that it helps develop the calf's digestive system, and adds extra nutrient value that cannot be obtained from milk. Most calves, when with their mothers, actually start sampling and eating feed their mothers do when they're no more than a few days to a week old.

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Q: How do you start weaning a calf to eat feed?
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How do you start feeding weaning calves?

It depends on what purpose you have for these calves, and what you wish to feed them.  But really, you just start feeding them, start training them to eat whatever you set out for them, and let their curiosity get the best of them and get them interested in eating what you've set out for them to start eating. But, it's best to feed them what you have been feeding them prior to weaning, and continue feeding them this, slowly switching over to what you are intending to feed them in the first place. 

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Dolphins are mammals, meaning they feed their newborns via mammary gland. When the calf is at an age to begin weaning, the parents or pod members likely catch and give it fish to eat until it can actively catch its own.

Will it hurt a calf to eat paper?

well yes more than likey.... only if you feed it TOO MUCH! but why would you feed a calf paper??;)!!

What if the calf won't eat from its mother?

Tube feed it and find out WHY he won't eat from his dam.

What does elephants feed their young ones?

Milk to begin with, then step by step the elephant calf will start feeding itself on the same grass and vegetations that the adult animals eat.

How do you know if a calf is getting enough to eat?

A hungry calf is a healthy calf. Don't feed a calf too much other wise it will scour. Otherwise, you know a calf is getting enough if you are knowingly keeping on top of regular feedings and watching it grow day by day. A healthy calf is a calf that's not lethargic, sickly-looking and interested in eating.

Why wont a calf eat?

A bottle calf suddenly refusing to eat is a indicator the calf is ill or starting to become ill. Look for other signs to tell what the problem may be: temperature for infections, cloudy eyes for pneumonia or shipping fever, or runny watery discharge for scours.

When a horse is born does it stay with its mother?

Yes the baby stays with its mom until it starts trying to eat grass then you start weaning it from its mother.

How do mother cats feed their young?

In nature the calf would suckle the cow (drinking its milk) until it could eat grass. In industrial farming the calf will quickly be switched to formula and the milk collected and sold to us humans instead.

What should a one month old calf be eating?

A newborn will not eat any feed. Calves won't begin eating feed until they're at least a week old. Otherwise, you really need to feed colostrum to a newborn for the first 12 to 24 hours, then gradually switch over to milk replacer. You can introduce feed to a calf early, but don't expect it to eat it all like a mature cow will, because a calf is pretty much like a human in that it is more of a monogastric than a ruminant. This means that a calf needs to rely much more on milk than feed for the first few weeks of its life.

What does a baby calf eat?

Most farmed calves actually drink milk replacer so that the mothers can be farmed for the dairy milk that humans choose to consume. This also means the calves are often separated from their mothers at a very early age.

What do you do if you have abandoned kittens who haven't weaned yet?

You can buy kitten milk substitute at most pet stores. You will have to mix it and feed it to them in bottles until they are old enough to start weaning. I'm not sure exactly what age they'll start eating food, I think it's around 7-10 weeks, but they'll be able to eat moist food earlier than they'll be able to chew dry food. They will instinctively start eating the food when they're ready, if they have access to it, but won't like stopping the milk. Try to find a book on weaning by then to help you with the process.