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you don't. find evidence for all the other ones them mews will give you a new location.

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Q: How do you steal the yeti scalp on poptropica?
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How do you steal the yeti scalp in poptropica?


How do you get the proof for the yeti in poptropica?

you steal the yeti scalp and then you eat it in your spaghetti

How do you get yeti scalp in poptropica?

You can't.

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It was the sherpans and the Yeti scalp is at the Khumjung monastery

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Where is the yeti's footprint on poptropica?

There is no yeti footprint. You have to find all the other cryptids first.

Where do you find the yeti in poptropica?

At the top of the mountain in the building

Where do you get the yetie hair on poptropica?

Actually, you get no yeti hair :-(

How do you get the yeti back on poptropica?

You can't get the yeti just take a picture and go back to mews mansion

Is the yeti real on Poptropica?

The Yeti is the very last Cryptid you will find on Poptropica. You have to chase him through the woods and find his home, then stop Gretchen from stealing him. This is the end of the Island..

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How can you get to yeti on Poptropica?

you can't you get bigfoot at the end tho, so....yah