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Ok, here is a couple of ways:

1. If your cat has a scratch post, try not to place it near furniture.

2.On the scratch post, spray catnip on it. (Catnip spray can be bought from pets at home) This will make the cat want to scratch the post more than furniture.

3.Every time the cat scratches furniture, spray him with a bottle of water. Eventually, he will learn that scratching furniture is bad.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Provide your cat with acceptable scratch toys such as sisel scratching posts, cat condos with scratching posts, and cardboard scratchers. You can put a little catnip on these toys to encourage them to begin scratching there. Available at most pet stores are "no scratch" sprays and tape that you can use on your furniture to deter your new cat from scratching where it shouldn't. Never let your cat scratch an "old" piece of furniture. They will not be able to understand why they can scratch one chair but not another. Also available are nail covers to deter scratching. If your cat does scratch something it isn't supposed to, use a spray bottle filled with water to stop the behavior. Do not declaw your pet if they scratch. Besides being incredibly painful and cruel to your animal, it creates problems far worse than your furniture being scratched. Many declawed cats become "biters" because it is their last line of defense. In addition, declawed cats have more frequently been known to develop the habit of urinating outside the litter box. Declawing has been outlawed in England, Germany, and Japan.

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15y ago

I haven't found a spray that works, but there are other things that do. Aluminum foil placed where they are jumping on deters them because they hate the noise. Double-sided tape will keep them off and stop scratching because they hate the feel. Hope this helps.

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13y ago

You can mix water and tea tree oil (which you can find at Hi- Health) and spray your furniture with that. I pour a little of tea tree oil on the counter to keep them off.

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Q: How do you stop a cat scratching furniture?
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Why do cats claw at your furniture?

Cats see furniture as a scratching post, so, if you want to stop this behavior put more scratching posts, and pads in your house. If they still choose your furniture over the scratching post, try sprinkling the scratching posts with catnip.

Stop cat scratching furniture?

Cats seem smart enough to limit their scratching to certain "agreed upon" places. But the cat HAS to scratch something. And for God's sake...never de-claw a cat. " How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven."- Robert A. Heinlein

How do you get cats from scratching on leather furniture?

Spray where the cat scratches with mace, the smell will repel the cat. If you're just plain nuts, you could always spray the CAT with mace ( Don't do this unless you're s certified psycho, and even then, don't do it)

What is the purpose of a cat scratch post?

A scratching post is a nearly indispensable item for any cat owner. It will reduce many of the headaches of cat ownership caused by normal cat behavior. Firstly, it will keep your cats from sharpening their claws on furniture, curtains, carpet, walls and door frames. Secondly, it gives kittens and energetic cats with a vigorous activity to keep them occupied. Scratching behavior is a normal and essential function too keep their claws in proper shape and can help alleviate stress. If you have multiple cats, you may find that the scratching post will become a social meeting place.

What is the problem when you'r cat can stop scratching their ear's?

The cat could have ear mites if it goes outdoors a lot.

Related questions

Why do cats claw at your furniture?

Cats see furniture as a scratching post, so, if you want to stop this behavior put more scratching posts, and pads in your house. If they still choose your furniture over the scratching post, try sprinkling the scratching posts with catnip.

Are scratch posts really helpful to stop cats from scratching furniture?

Scratch posts can be helpful in stopping cats from scratching furniture. They should be placed near furniture so that cats will choose them instead of the furniture. It also helps to cover your furniture with plastic when you first put the scratch posts out so they are the only thing the cat can scratch until they get used to it.

Stop cat scratching furniture?

Cats seem smart enough to limit their scratching to certain "agreed upon" places. But the cat HAS to scratch something. And for God's sake...never de-claw a cat. " How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven."- Robert A. Heinlein

How do you get cats from scratching on leather furniture?

Spray where the cat scratches with mace, the smell will repel the cat. If you're just plain nuts, you could always spray the CAT with mace ( Don't do this unless you're s certified psycho, and even then, don't do it)

How can a person train their cat to stop scratching the furniture?

Well I put little spikes on where my cat scratvhes so he wont scratch it anymore.... The spikes are not that sharp to make him bleep it just hurts. If that doesn't work then you should try a originial idea of yours. By the way you can get the little spikes at the dollar store.

What is the purpose of a cat scratch post?

A scratching post is a nearly indispensable item for any cat owner. It will reduce many of the headaches of cat ownership caused by normal cat behavior. Firstly, it will keep your cats from sharpening their claws on furniture, curtains, carpet, walls and door frames. Secondly, it gives kittens and energetic cats with a vigorous activity to keep them occupied. Scratching behavior is a normal and essential function too keep their claws in proper shape and can help alleviate stress. If you have multiple cats, you may find that the scratching post will become a social meeting place.

What is the problem when you'r cat can stop scratching their ear's?

The cat could have ear mites if it goes outdoors a lot.

What is the purpose of rubber casters under furniture?

Rubber casters are found under furniture so that the furniture does not easily slide around. They may also stop the furniture from scratching up the floor.

Is a lion scratching against trees is it learned behavior or instinct?

It is instinct. The scratches on the tree is like your housecat scratching on your furniture. You didn't teach the cat to do that and the lion isn't taught that as well.

What can you put on a cat who won't stop scratching themselves bald and raw?

PLEASE take the cat to the Vet. Could be an allergy or mange [mites ]. The cat must be in misery.

How do you stop dog stop eat any damage furniture in house?

You can buy this stuff called no scratching and it smells bad to animals so they wont go near it

What is a soft paw?

There is company that sells "Soft Paws." they are glued over cat claws to guard furniture from scratching. They're an alternative to declawing your feline.