

How do you stop a dog from chewing shoes?

Updated: 12/21/2020
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13y ago

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Take the shoes away without comment or reaction and redirect her to her chew toys. The more you do this — praise her for chewing the right things and withhold attention when she chews something she shouldn't — the more likely she is to chew on a toy and not your shoes

They do tend to get bored of chewing the same thing but I beat that by get my dog the "bark box" they send a new chewable toy every month try it on this link to get a discount

h t t p s :/ / yazing. com/deals/barkbox/ Eddie _ Sircolor

(paste without the spaces) you'll thank me later

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13y ago

Get the chew toys that you can put peanut butter in

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BarkBox is a monthly subscription service for games, candy and chewing delivered to your doorstep!

Click here please

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All dogs, not just female pitbulls, go through a chewing faze as puppies. Many dogs like the way a certain person smells and will only chew that person's things. To stop dogs from chewing the wrong things, you can buy green apple and/or vinegar spray to spray onto your shoes and furniture that the dog is chewing. Be stern with your, but not harsh!

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You could be extreme and muzzle the dog in the car. Another option is to buy a truck:)

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Get rid of the fleas. Flea allergies are the number one reason for visits to the vet!

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Get one of those lampshade things

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Try getting a "simple solutions" puppy pad holder, more toys to entertain your dog, or crate training.

How do I teach my dog not to chew on furniture or shoes?

Teaching your dog not to chew on furniture or shoes can be done in simple steps: Provide Chew Toys: Give your dog plenty of toys designed for chewing. When they chew on these toys, praise them and give treats. Supervise: Keep an eye on your dog, especially when they're in a new place or around things they might chew. If you catch them chewing furniture or shoes, say "no" firmly. Use Bitter Spray: You can apply a pet-safe bitter spray on furniture and shoes. Dogs don't like the taste, and it can discourage chewing. Crate Training: When you can't supervise your dog, consider using a crate. Dogs usually won't chew things in their crate. Training Commands: Teach commands like "leave it" or "drop it." When your dog tries to chew something they shouldn't, use these commands, and reward them when they obey. Exercise and Play: Make sure your dog gets enough exercise and playtime. A tired dog is less likely to chew out of boredom. Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward your dog when they make the right choices. Positive reinforcement helps them understand what's okay and what's not. Be Patient: Remember that training takes time. Be patient with your dog and consistent with your efforts. By following these simple steps, you can help your dog learn not to chew on furniture or shoes and redirect their chewing to appropriate items.

How do you stop chewing topacco?

stop moving your jaws... Or you could just eat that Nicoteen chewing gum.

Why is your dog chewing on the stairs?

Your dog may be chewing on the stairs because he is teething. If your dog is a puppy this is a likely cause. When you see the dog doing this, say no and give the dog something safe to chew on. Your dog may also be chewing on the stairs because he is bored. Try playing with the dog, and giving him interesting toys to play with.