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Insufficient information is given with which to fully answer.

If the hearing is being conducted by a state agency, you (or your attorney) would have to petition the court to issue an order to halt the proceedings. However, you would need good legal grounds to do this, and would have to file a motion with the court to conduct a hearing into the matter.

If, on the other hand, the court itself was conducting the hearing, you (or your attorney) would have to make your objection, or present a motion, to the judge and (using the same good legal grounds) request that the judge suspend any further action pending the presentation of your reason.

In either case - in both these scenarios it is contemplated that the hearing would be no more than temporarily halted (suspended), pending a court decision. It is doubtful that the action would "stop" permanently unless you were really able to produce evidence on the matter that was previously unknown or undiscovered

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Q: How do you stop a permanent placement hearing?
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