

How do you stop big brothers from annoying you?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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well, I usually try to annoy him back. for example, when he hits me i hit him back and when he calls me names i call him names too. but the best way to stop them is make the do gross things like licking your foot. he'll probably say "that's disgusting! No!" or "gross!" but just ignore that and stick your foot up right in front of his face. if you're too disgusted to do that, slap him or call him "you piece of garbage. he might get very cross and start annoying you more, but just try your best. my brother usually hits me with his football REALLY hard and i feel like i just broke a bone. but because he is only 8 years older than me, i can treat him bad, but not very bad. but another way to stop him is get him get him into trouble when he annoys you by complaining to your parents like a baby and say "mom, dad! big brother keeps annoying me! make him stop!". i did that a long time ago, and my dad told him "look, this is the last time your little sister gets annoyed from you!", but it actually wasn't, he still annoys me now. anyway, another way is scream into his ears, keep slamming the door, or try your best to act crying. if you cant act crying, then just make sniffing noises and hide your face under a blanket or a pillow. if you keep doing that for at least 2 or 3 weeks, or even a month, he will hopefully stop annoying you. hope this helped!

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