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About 30 years ago I decided I had to quit biting my nails and what I did was replace the urge with biting with something else. I realized that one reason I bit my nails was when I felt a uneven edge or a break so instead of biting them I got a file and started grooming them. It did the trick. Now I carry a file in my handbag, have them all over the house and I don't bite my nails. Maybe this will work for you too.

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Q: How do you stop biting your nails without using that bad tasting nail stuff?
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How can you get rid of biting nails?

Put nail polish and Gross tasting stuff on it then you wont like the taste of it

How do you stop bitting your nails?

Try identifying triggers for nail biting (e.g. stress) and find alternative coping mechanisms like fidget toys or stress balls. Keep nails trimmed short to reduce temptation and consider using a bitter-tasting nail polish to deter biting. Stay mindful of your habit and practice self-awareness to catch yourself before you start biting.

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What can you do to stop biting your nails?

get gel nails. you can't bite them. (once i bit one off though!) it hurts! You can buy some stuff from chemists to put on them which makes them taste horrible to bite.

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What does biting your nails do to you?

They sell a bitter-tasting stuff expressly to stop nail biting. I'll add a link to one such product . Make sure the bitter taste is always present on your nails. Apply a liberal amount of the solution on your nails, cuticles and surrounding skin. Reapply throughout the day as it wears off. Reapply at bedtime.

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How do I break my nail biting habit?

AnswerI've used a product called Stop the Bite -Hard as Hoof. It is clear on your nails and tastes terrible, so you don't want in your mouth. It takes about three weeks --but you break the habit.AnswerI had tried the nail bitter stuff, and it didn't work for me at first - what worked was weekly manicures (even with almost no nail) and once I got out of the habit of biting (I actually craved the taste of it...) then I was able to use the bad tasting stuff to remind myself not to bite.Best of luck, it is a hard habit to break, but once it's broken you'll feel proud of the way your nails look!! :)Every time you notice your fingers are in your mouth, imagine you just cleaned up a pile of dog poop. Eventually you will notice before you bite your nails....thats how I quit biting mine:)

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Is there a way to stop biting your nails?

Usually at the store, like Wally world (walmart) Meijers, or Kroger, in the nail stuff aisle, like nail polish, theres stuff for nail biters. What it does, is, it's like nail polish, except it goes on clear. But the trick is, is that it has a really bitter, disgusting taste, so when you go to bite your nails, you'll get the awful taste, and it'll make you not want to bite your nails. I had this issue a while ago, but I got this stuff, and it worked, I don't bite my nails anymore. And once they're long, you'll see how pretty they are, and you won't want to bite them.

How do you stop biting you nails?

i no this is old but dip them in that lemon juiceChew gum instead of biting themEvery time you are biting them think about how many germs are being put into your mouth or about how ugly they look, etc.Try putting cream a round your nailsyou could also buy that nail varnish stuff that tastes horrible you put that on and it stops you biting them! it really helped me I haven't bitten my nails in 5 years !!every time you bite them think thet there are more germs under your nails than on a public toilet seat! It is really true!!