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Q: How do you stop bold print?
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Where do you find bold print?

Bold print is a type of formatting with computer typing, this is bold print: Bold Print. It is often represented by a B in formatting softwares.

What does textfeature mean?

it means to like bold print who doesnt know what bold print is

Is bold-faced print is the same to bold print?

any information that helps a reader understand nonfictional text is called a

Why you use bold print?

Bold print represents that the word is important. In a non-fiction book, it may underline words that are in the glossary.

Do you write character names in bold print in a synopsis?

I advise against it. Write them in regular print.

Why do you use Italic and Bold print?

italic is this I and this is for had writing bold printing is for words that mean import thing

What Code is used to make line bold print?

You will enclose the text to be displayed in bold between the and tags.ex: This will be displayed in Bold would be printed as below in the web page.This will be displayed in Bold

What is bold in Microsoft Excel?

IT IS BOLDHow can meaning of word change!!.>COULDNT U ATLEAST TRY IT

How can you save ink when you print out stuff?

print things out small,and take off bold and make pictures small

Looking at titles, headings, bold print, and pictures is an example of?


What is the definition of bold?

Bold generally refers to having a fearless or daring attitude, displaying confidence and willingness to take risks. It can also refer to something that is strong or prominent in appearance or style.

Why do authors use bold print?

Authors use bold print to emphasize important words or phrases, make them stand out, and draw the reader's attention to key information. Bold print can also help make text easier to scan and understand quickly.