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Always provide good nesting and laying boxes.

If they continue to lay in strange places, it might take them awhile to figure out what the boxes are for. Try to set objects were they usually lay so they can't lay in that spot.

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Q: How do you stop chickens laying in unusual places?
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Do chickens ever stop laying?


Will chickens stop laying eggs forever if they eat tomato leaves?

No, they will not.

Do chickens quit laying eggs?

it depends on the chicken some do stop but after their older and some might not stop laying but they will slow down (not lay as frequent)

When is rhode island chickens laying seasons?

All chickens lay best in the spring and the fall. Most chickens stop altogether during the summer and winter.

What makes a bantam quit laying eggs?

Various reasons will decrease or stop egg laying. Laying tends to die off in the winter when the days are shorter and the weather cooler. Older chickens will also experience decreased egg production. If a chicken is not in an ideal environment or is experiencing stress or depression they might stop laying altogether.

Why have your bantam quit laying over night?

When chickens get to an age they decide to stop laying. They just get too old. Because it is winter at the moment, chickens are molting (loosing all of their feathers) and they often have a 'break' from laying for about a month. I have 20 or so chickens and I am only getting 3 eggs a day because most of them are molting. Your bantam could just be being slack or just old. Hope this helps....

Does a chicken lay eggs it's whole life?

If you take really good care of your chickens, they can live to be 10 years. and they lay eggs for about 5years.

Why are your hens not laying in cold weather?

My chickens, as well, don't lay eggs like they used to -- chances are, they are old, or possibly, your chickens are sick. However, the more likely probability is their age. Most chickens stop laying eggs after a few years; or they will lay very few.

Do all chickens lay eggs?

The females from all breeds of chickens lay eggs. Some hens stop laying when they are old, but there are no breeds or varieties of chickens in which the females do not lay eggs. Roosters, as the male of the species, never lay eggs.

Is it normal for chickens to just start dying they are all about 3 to 4 years old?

Yes, a chickens life span is only about 2-3-4 years, usually they stop laying later in life when its over 2 years old. Amy

Do hens lay all year?

IN the fall, chickens molt or shed feathers to make room for heavier feathers for winter. They stop laying usually (Ohio) from October until March.

How do you stop egg laying?

There is no way to stop a chicken from laying eggs; It's nature's way.