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Male dogs are notorious for this and will think nothing of lifting their leg to the side of your couch or chair. The best thing to do is keep your dog in the kitchen or another room (even outside in the back yard if it's fenced, then let it back in either in your basement or laundry room) until you can see your vet and find out what a good spray is that you can spray on the areas your dog has peed on. Dogs will always go back to the very spot where they have peed and also if you've had a dog before this one they males can sniff a gnat's pee at 100 paces away. LOL Get that spray .. it works! Good luck Marcy Get the dog neutered. Period. It will help immensely with behavior issues such as this, and it will make him a happier pet who's less likely to become aggressive or run away. Contrary to popular belief, it will NOT make your dog fat, lethargic or wimpy. Also, you will have to thoroughly clean everywhere he has peed or he will keep hitting the same areas over again. Get a UV lamp - some companies such as KV Vet Supply sell these as Urine Detectors but I think any UV light will do.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Depends on how old the dog is. Male puppies usually start marking between 5 and 11 months, and this behavior should be discouraged as soon as it begins, honestly. On walks, do not allow your dog to mark every tree and bush and bit of sidewalk you pass. Keep moving. If a dog marks indoors, give a stern no and ignore the dog's attempts to play or to get attention by slowly turning your head to face the other direction. (NO eye contact) Also, make his favorite indoor marking places undesirable by placing a spiked Matt over it or spraying a dog repellant spray on it. (I find that the second option works better).

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11y ago

One thing that will not work in stopping a dog from pooping in the house is rubbing his nose in it. This is a method people have used for ages and all it does is confuse the dog and make him scared of you.

Make sure you have a set time for the dog to go outside and have treats available for him. Generally, right upon waking in the morning or after naps during the day and after any periods of exercise are the best times. When you take your dog out, do not look at him as he does his "business" as eye contact in the dog world can be seen as threatening so your dog might not feel comfortable with you staring at him. If he poops outside, immediately praise him and treat him.

If your dog should poop by mistake inside, hopefully you catch him and can say "uh-uh" or "no" loudly to stop him then escort him quickly outside and treat him when he finishes outside what he started inside. If your dog is pooping in the house while you are not there, you should invest in a crate to keep him in as dogs will not poop where they sleep. Upon returning home, immediately take the dog out of his crate, go outside and treat when he eliminates outside.

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14y ago

==For indoor marking== Try using an enzymatic cleanser, such as "Nature's Miracle" to fully remove the evidence of his marking. Even if you clean thoroughly and can't smell it, odds are he still can. A dog can literally smell a single fingerprint on a pane of glass. The enzymatic cleaner breaks down the components of urine that give it its characteristic odor. This product or similar ones are available from your veterinarian or local pet store. The cleaner isn't going to be enough. You should also be doing some rigorous house training with very close supervision any time he is in the house. When he cannot be directly supervised, put him in a dog safe area or use a male incontinence garment such as a belly band.

==For outdoor marking== When you take him for walks, walk briskly and do not allow him to stop and sniff your neighbors plants. For your own yard, check your garden supply store for products to keep dogs away from garden plants, shrubs, and flowers. Purchase a product like a "Pee Post" which is a stake shaped like a giant Golf tee you drive into the ground where you WANT him to pee. It is impregnated with a special scent that encourages him to pee on that exact spot. Here are some addition things to do to prevent dog from urine-marking.

* Spay or neuter your dog as soon as your vet recommends.

* Take care of fights or dominance issues between your dogs. * Limit your dog's ability to see outside animals from inside your house. * When urine-marking occurs, clean the area immediately.

* In areas where your dog has urinated try to keep him from it or take away the attraction.

* Keep things that could encourage your dog to mark out of reach.

* If your pet is urine-marking in reaction to an addition to your household (i.e., a new roommate, boy/girlfriend, spouse etc.), have that person and your dog get to know each other.

* Learn the signs that indicate your dog is about to urinate and watch for them when he is inside.

* Use the "nothing in life is free" (NILIF) behavior modification plan with your dog. * Get a black light - some companies such as KV Vet Supply sell these as Urine Detectors but I think any black light will do.

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14y ago

I think that you have to presuade him to do what ever you want with treats, like, show the dog that if he does something rite you will reward him

Mentos Ninja: just reward the dog for going outside, vand yell at them for going in the house. It's like raising a kid, good=reward & bad=punishment

sassyapple5:that doesnt work for my dog he sneaks of and pees some wher and i never catch him in time im starting make him an outside dog because my last dog was the same breed and learned to go to the door and bark this one now just go when he wants

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6y ago
  • If you get them spayed/neutered it usually stops. My dog did the same then she got spayed and it stopped.
  • It also may be best to look into Dog Training or products that help curb or stop the issue completely. There are many product options to look into to stop dog marking, including dog diapers, sprays or even dog clothes for urine marking like Markitwear.
  • It is also good to consult your veterinarian, as your dog could have a bladder issue or incontinence problem rather than a urine marking problem.
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14y ago

First get a crate, large enough for him to stand up in and turn around in. Keep the dog in there at nights when you cannot monitor him. Put in a nice blanket and toys such as nylabones, etc. Take the dog out often during the day to urinate and when he does, praise him highly. When he is inside of the house, watch him like a hawk, if you catching him urinating in the house, then a sharp firm NO must be said immediately and grab him firmly and take his little bad behind outside. Leave him out there for awhile and ignore him or put him in the crate if the weather is bad outside. Dogs are pack animals and hate to be ignored. The pack leader punishes other members of the pack when they do wrong by ignoring them. You must establish yourself as the pack leader. Make sure to clean up any spots of urine with good carpet shampoos or vinegar to cut the smell. If you can catch him in the act in the house, it will help him immensely. If he deliberately does it in front of you, then a firm NO and a quick firm grab of the scruff might be needed & a little shake and then out he goes. Keep him in the crate when you cannot monitor him. A dog will not normally soil his own little home. They love the crate (after they get used to it), it is somewhere that is private and their special little place to get away from things. Pretty soon after you have him completely housebroken, just leave the crate in the house with the door open. You will be surprised at how often he will go in there on his own for many reasons. Our 3 year old Bullmastiff still goes into his but it is mainly to sneak a goodie or something wrong he has picked up in the house to eat it. :0). Good luck.

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14y ago

Please, never punish your dog for urinating in the house - it doesn't help to stop the problem and it may scare them into never urinating when you're around.

First, talk to your vet to make sure your dog doesn't have a bladder or kidney infection, or another disease that may mean the dog can't control their urination - it happens more frequently than people realize.

Clean up all the old urine spots to make sure the scent is eliminated. Keep them in a room or two, preferably with a piddle pad, when you can't keep an eye on them. Consider crate training, but use the crate fairly, not as a punishment or in place of helping them to do better. Take them out every hour or so, and praise them when they pee in the right spot. Mop up an accidents that do happen with a paper towel, and put the towel where you do want them to pee. Praise them when they pee in the right spot.

It may take weeks for them to catch on, depending how old they are or how bad the issue is. If your dog is from a puppy mill or if they spent their early weeks in a messy environment, it may take months. However, most dogs will catch on when they realize good things happen when they do their business in the right spot.

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9y ago

Proper house training will keep your dog from going to the bathroom in the house. Train your dog by taking him outside every 30 minutes, right after he wakes up and shortly after eating.

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Q: How do you stop your dog from marking in the house?
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If the dog is marking for sexual reasons, then it is possible that castration will stop him doing this. Unfortunately, many dogs initially mark for sexual (/territorial) reasons, but after a while the behaviour becomes learnt. Castration will stop innappropriate sexual behviour, but may not prevent urine marking (which may have become a learnt behaviour). Get advice from a professional behaviourist if castration doesn't help.

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He will eventually, my dog is six and he was neutered. Give it a couple of weeks.

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In case it is male: marking its teritory

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If "he" is indeed a male he's probably "marking" territory. Have him neutered by a vet.

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your dog is probably marking his/her territory since it is an unusual place. keep reminding your dog that it is not right to go on the floor.. Thanks!!!

How do you stop your dog from urine marking?

* Spay or neuter your dog as soon as your vet recommends. * Take care of fights or dominance issues between your dogs. * Limit your dog's ability to see outside animals from inside your house. * When urine-marking occurs, clean the area immediately. * In areas where your dog has urinated try to keep him from it or take away the attraction. * Keep things that could encourage your dog to mark out of reach. * If your pet is urine-marking in reaction to an addition to your household (i.e., a new roommate, boy/girlfriend, spouse etc.), have that person and your dog get to know each other. * Learn the signs that indicate your dog is about to urinate and watch for them when he is inside. * Use the "nothing in life is free" behavior with your dog.