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You don't. This is impossible. Also, there are gay people who live in Qatar.

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Q: How do you stop gay people from coming to Qatar?
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Gay people only follow other gay people.

Are there gay people in Arkansas?

Of course there are. Gay people are everywhere, political borders don't stop gay people from being born anywhere.

How does same sex marriage promote people to be gay?

It doesn't. But it can promote gay people from coming out of the closet by making them feel safe.

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This question is coming from the assumption that gay people can by categorized into neat little groups, but this is untrue. There are as many different kinds of gay people as there are different kinds of straight people.

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Gay people are a very diverse segment of the population. Coming up with qualities that all gay people have in common is difficult. Here are a few:All gay people have lungsAll gay people eat foodAll gay people breatheAll gay people want good livesAll gay people feel sad at one time or anotherAll gay people feel happy at one time or another

If people say you act gay how do you stop?

there is no such thing as "acting gay." People who say this are bigots and homophobes. The best thing to do is ignore them.

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The number of gay people isn't actually rising. It's the same as it's always been. But gay people are coming out more often today than they did in the past, because they are feeling safer.

What does it mean when a guy is coming out?

Do you mean like coming out of the closet because that means hes's letting people know he's gay.

Why is Paul Revere considered an American hero?

Because he went on his horse warning people that the british are coming

How do you stop gay people?

You cant stop someone form loving someone else, its impossible. It is also wrong to try.

When was the climbing boys act passed and what did it stop people doing?

it stoped gay clubs

How can i stop my best friend from from forcing everyone to be gay?

No one forces people to be gay. You either are or not. If you can't support your friend then I suggest you move on.