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There is no way to keep a rooster from crowing.

A tip you can try - keep your coop as dark as possible for as long as possible.

from byrumjr

The only was to stop a rooster from crowing is to put him in something small. A rooster can only crow if he can stretch his neck.

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13y ago
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13y ago

well you could try negative reinforcement, such as spraying water or pushing away. its kinda like showing dominance though so its a hard habit to break and some of the time it wont work. you could also try clipping the beaks, they'll still peck but it wont hurt as badly.

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13y ago

Almost no hens crow (you SURE it's not a rooster?), but if they do, there is really nothing known that you can do to stop it. Just place the hen somewhere where you can't hear her overnight, if you can't sleep because of the crowing.

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13y ago

I hate to tell you, but nothing really. Here are some suggestions that may help a tiny bit. If his coop is nice and dark, with thick walls, he may miss his morning crow. If the ceiling of the coop is so low, that he cant stretch his head up to crow he wont really crow. But unfortuantely he will crow many times during the day. Well one idea THAT YOU SHOULD PROBABLY NOT CONSIDER is caponizing him(neutering). After being neutered they stop crowing, loose agression, get fatter, and obviously cant fertilize eggs(sounds great huh). But this makes one unhappy rooster. He wont be a rooster any more. Pretty much bisexual.

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13y ago

I have used pine tar to some effect to stop chickens from pecking other chickens. You smear a bit around the bare spots on the bird that is being attacked. A rooster pecking at chicks probably means you need to start looking at soup recipes.

ANS2:Well, you could try negative reinforcement, such as spraying water or pushing away. its kinda like showing dominance though so its a hard habit to break and some of the time it wont work. you could also try clipping the beaks, they'll still peck but it wont hurt as badly.
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14y ago

Hens peck the rooster and other hens when they do not have enough room to roost. Adding extra roosting areas to the chicken coop will minimize the pecking.

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10y ago

You can't. It's just something they do. But mine seems to crow more when i'm near the hens then I walk away.

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10y ago

Caponise them.

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Q: How do you stop my rooster from pecking the chickens?
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Why do rooster's peck at the hens cones?

Pecking is often seen in chickens; the one doing the pecking is saying "I'm the boss over you"; every chicken flock will have an established "pecking order" with the strongest that the top and the weakest at the bottom.

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I Personally do not think you should, but if the pecking is a very large problem, that draws blood or that is preventing you from caring for them, you can get ones that stop them pecking people and still let them eat :)

Is it bad if your small hen is pecking your small rooster?

yes- very bad. Chickens peck at any spot of blood on another chicken and can not stop. They make the injury bigger and deeper by the day and more prone to infections. There's a product you can buy to stop the pecking- it's called blue kote. Wash the injury if needed and spray on the blue kote until the pecking stops. If there's no injury, you can use vicks vapor rub. Chickens don't like the taste of it. But don't put it on an open sore.

Is there anything that you can put on your chickens to stop them from pecking the bare spots of the other birds please help?

Not that I know of, but you can get an ointment from the feed store called Rooster Booster or Stop Bite. After rinsing the blood off of the chicken you dab this ointment on the area and it promotes healing, causes the area to numb and keeps others from pecking it. This saved the lives of several of the birds in my flock.

Why are the chickens pecking each others bottom and how to stop it?

Because they are molting or they are at the bottom of the pecking order and I would take them out of the flock but then after they return the flock will treat it badly and the pecking order will change and it might be messy.

What is pecking order in a flock of chickens is instinctive behavior related to?

Social organization is achieved through the pecking order behavior in a flock of chickens. It is an example of a dominance hierarchy.

Is it a chickens?

No. It is a chicken, a hen, a cockeral/rooster or two chickens.

Do chickens need a rooster to have babies?

Yes. The rooster fertilizes the egg.

Are chickens happier with a rooster?

no way

What is the plural for rooster?

The possessive form for the noun rooster is rooster's.

What do chickens do a lot of?

Pooping, pecking, walking around, sitting around.

Is a rooster needed to make chickens?

yes you do