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Q: How do you stop peahen from eating her eggs?
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What is the benefit of eating peacock eggs over chicken eggs?

The benefit of eating peahen eggs over chicken eggs are that they are larger so you get more egg, they are richer in flavor, and you get more nutrients.

What is the story of the crocodile and the peahen?

The story of the crocodile and the peahen is a popular Indian folktale. It revolves around the friendship between a crocodile and a peahen until the crocodile betrays the peahen by trying to eat her eggs. In the end, the peahen outsmarts the crocodile and saves herself and her eggs. The moral of the story teaches the importance of trust and loyalty in relationships.

Do you need a peacock for a peahen to lay eggs?


What is a peahen's act of giving birth?

they lay eggs !

Do peacock lay eggs?

No. The PeaCOCK is the male of the species of bird called PEAFOWL. Not surprisingly, it is the female of the species, PeaHEN, which lays the eggs. The eggs are a bit bigger in size than a chicken's egg.

How do you rear peahen eggs?

Do you mean incubate/hatch? If so, treat them just like poultry eggs.

How do you cut down protein?

if you stop eating meat,milk and eggs

What color are peacocks eggs?

Peacocks do not lay eggs, being males. Peahen eggs are an off-white.

When peahen lays eggs after how many days chicken will come out from the egg?


How many eggs can a peahen lay?

Well, normally about 10 but can range to 20

Do Chickens eating eggs effect meat or egg taste?

It is not good if your chicken is eating its own eggs but it should not effect the taste of the meat or eggs. If your chicken is eating its eggs the only way to stop it is to check for eggs more often and try to make sure you pick up the eggs as soon as possible.

What do peahen eggs taste like?

They taste great. slightly richer than chicken eggs, larger than chicken eggs and great for use in baking. They are a real treat just because unlike the chicken, the peahen only lays eggs at a certain time of year and only in limited quantity.