

Best Answer Stool Eating (Coprophagy) Holly Nash, DVM, MS Veterinary Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc. Q. What are the causes and cures of stool eating? A. Coprophagy (pronounced k� - pr�f� - je) comes from the Greek copro which means feces and phagy which means eat. And that is what it is � eating feces. A habit of dogs we all find disgusting, but as we say, dogs will be dogs. Some dogs especially like feces from herbivores like rabbits, deer, and horses. Others love to raid the cat's litter box. Still others only eat dog feces if it is frozen. Why do dogs eat feces? A lot of theories have been suggested as to why dogs eat feces. Are they missing something in their diet? Generally not. Dogs who eat their feces usually do not have a dietary deficiency. Some medical problems, however, can contribute to coprophagy including severe disorders of the pancreas (pancreatic insufficiency) or intestine, severe malnutrition from massive parasitic infestations, or starvation. These cases are rare. Some dogs, especially those in kennel situations, may eat feces because they are anxious or stressed. One researcher suggests that dogs who have been punished by their owners for defecating inappropriately start to think any defecation is wrong, so they try to eliminate the evidence. Another theory is that coprophagy is a trait passed down through the ages. Dogs' cousins, the wolves and coyotes, may often eat feces if food is in short supply. Feces from herbivores (animals that eat plants for food) contain many of the B vitamins. Some researchers suggest that wolves (and some dogs) may eat feces to replenish their vitamin supply. In some instances, coprophagy may be a behavior learned from watching other animals. It may also become a habit in the course of play and puppies having to try out the taste of everything. There is a stage of life in which coprophagy is common and expected. Can you think of what it is? Bitches and queens normally eat the feces of their offspring. This is presumed to occur in an attempt to hide the presence of the litter from predators. Finally, some dogs may eat feces just because it tastes good (to them). How do we prevent coprophagia from occurring? The best way to prevent the problem is to keep yards and kennels free of feces. Some owners find it successful to use something to make the feces taste horrible. Products such as For-bid (for cats or dogs) and Drs. Foster and Smith Dis-Taste (for dogs) are added to the food of the animal whose feces are being eaten (it could be the food of the dog with coprophagy if he eats his own stool; or the food of the cat, if the dog with coprophagy eats the cat's feces). The product is digested by the animal, and results in giving the feces a very bad taste. Some people try putting Tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper (chili powder) on the feces (not the food!). Unfortunately, some dogs have acquired quite a taste for Tabasco. These methods work best if the behavior has just started. Once coprophagy has become a habit, it is very difficult to break. Dogs should be on a leash when walking, so you have control over the dog in case a luscious pile of feces is found along the way. Sometimes, the only way to prevent coprophagy is to fit the dog with a wire muzzle. The dog will be able to sniff, pant, and do most things dogs do, but the dog will not be able to eat with the muzzle on. DO NOT LEAVE A MUZZLED DOG UNATTENDED. Adding toys and other diversions to the environment may be helpful. We need to find something that is more fun for the dog than eating feces. A dog may find a Kong toy laced with peanut butter a better alternative. Also give the dog lots of exercise to help it ultimately relax. In situations in which the behavior may be linked to stress, the cause of stress should be eliminated or at least reduced. In some instances of extreme anxiety, or if the behavior becomes obsessive-compulsive, medication may be necessary to try to break the cycle. One researcher recommends checking the dog's diet to make sure he is getting enough B vitamins and is not getting an excess of carbohydrates. Some dogs will improve if they are fed more often, so you may want to increase the number of meals (but keep the total daily intake about the same). There have been anecdotal reports that adding Prozyme to the diet may aid in eliminating this problem. For dogs attracted to litter boxes, you may need to be quite creative. Using covered litter boxes and placing the opening towards a wall may help. Some people put the litter box up high. Others put the litter box in a closet and secure the closet door so that the opening is big enough for the cat but will not allow the dog to enter. Keep in mind that if we make the litter box too difficult to reach, the cat may not go to it either. Above all, do not punish the dog for eating feces. This may reinforce the behavior. General work on obedience is sometimes helpful. If the dog knows what is expected of him and looks to you for cues, he may be less anxious and less likely to start or continue the behavior. What are the health risks of coprophagy? Many parasites can be transmitted through eating stool. Generally, herbivores have parasites specific to them; these parasites will not cause disease in carnivores. But dogs eating the feces of other dogs or cats can infect themselves repeatedly with parasites such as giardia, coccidia, and if the feces are around for 2-3 weeks or more, roundworms and whipworms. Such dogs should have regular fecal examinations and dewormings with the appropriate medications depending on the parasites found. Summary We are not sure why dogs eat their own feces or the feces of other animals. We do know that if a dog starts this behavior, the sooner we implement prevention measures, the better the chance of success.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Lucky I read that. I love dogs and I now all about that!!!

Probably you can tie it in the litter box if you want it to eat in the litter box.


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13y ago

This is a difficult one to answer as dogs love to eat cat feces. You can either try to train your dog to keep out of the litter box by telling him or her NO very firmly and a quick yank on his or her collar to show you want him or her to get away from that area period. You would have to monitor the dog closely and keep up with the same discipline consistently. Or figure out where you can put the cat litter box where the dog cannot get to it but the cats can. Have fun and good luck.

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13y ago

It's nearly impossible to stop the dog from eating the cat's litter. It's much more practical to keep the litter somewhere the dog cannot fit into. Maybe a cabinet with a hole cut out big enough for the cat, but not the dog, or a room with the door propped open only enough for the cat, or even a baby gate to the room with the litter box so the cat can jump it but the dog can't. Dogs love to eat kitty litter, there's just no stopping them if they can get to it.

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13y ago

This is a tough one. You can buy a product that you put on his food, it will stop him from eating his own feces beause it tastes bad. If you can't afford it, always take hime out on a leash and clean up as soon as he does his business.

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15y ago

Place the litter box in an area where the dog is unable to get to it, but where the cat can easily find and use it.

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14y ago

put up a fence around the box and cut a hole that you cat can fit through but not the dogs size

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buy a natural kind, like a feline pine. or maybe change your cats' food, they probably don't like it!

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How can you keep a dog from eating cat poop?

Keep. The box clean. Or put the box were the dog can't get. To it

Can i litter train my dog?

Yes, it is definitely possible to litter train a dog. Litter training a dog involves teaching the dog to use a designated area, such as a litter box, to relieve itself. This can be a convenient option for owners who live in apartments or have limited access to a yard, or for dogs who are unable to go outside due to illness or injury. To litter train your dog, you will need to follow these steps: Choose a suitable litter box and litter. The litter box should be large enough for your dog to comfortably stand in and turn around. You can use a traditional cat litter box or a larger plastic storage container. As for litter, you can use a litter specifically designed for dogs or a natural litter made from materials such as wood shavings or paper. Place the litter box in a designated area. Choose a location that is easily accessible for your dog and away from their food and water dishes. Introduce your dog to the litter box. Show your dog the litter box and encourage them to sniff around and explore it. You can also place a small amount of their feces in the litter box to help them understand what it is for. Encourage your dog to use the litter box. Whenever you see your dog exhibiting signs that they need to go to the bathroom, such as pacing or circling, immediately lead them to the litter box. Praise and reward them when they use the litter box. Keep an eye on your dog's progress. It may take a few days or weeks for your dog to fully understand and consistently use the litter box. If you notice that your dog is having accidents outside of the litter box, try to determine the cause and address it. Litter training a dog requires patience and consistency, but with time and effort, most dogs can be successfully trained to use a litter box. More information: ʜᴛᴛᴘꜱ://ᴡᴡᴡ.ᴅɪɢɪꜱᴛᴏʀᴇ24.ᴄᴏᴍ/ʀᴇᴅɪʀ/434590/ᴍᴀꜱᴀᴍᴜɴᴇ12/

Will eating kitty litter cause seizures in dogs?

Not sure my boyfriends dog gits in to the cat box and has been have n them might be toxins in the litter or fish in the cat poo wich fish is bad for dogs so were gonna keep the cat box upsee if anything changes

Where should you put your cat's litter box so then the dog will stop eating poop?

You can try a litter box that has a cover on it. I know there are some out there that also have a door on it so the dog would have to stick it's head push the door in in order to get to the feces...

Why does your house-trained dog now go inside by the cat litter box and beside the toilet?

It sounds like your dog is marking due to the ammonia smell of the litter box and the toilet. Make sure you clean up with a non-ammonia based cleaner, and keep the litter box clean, or out of the dog's reach. If you can't do that, you might clean the box thoroughly and switch to a different litter. Hopefully that will help. If your dog is an un-neutered male, they are also more likely to mark, so neutering will probably help.

Are there health risks involved in dogs eating form litter boxes?

Yes. Not only is it unhealthy for the dog, imagine that same dog coming up and slobbering all over your face a few minutes later... If your dog is in the cat litter box, there is something wrong. Take the dog to a veterinarian.

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He is eating it because he likes the taste. YUCK! Dogs will also raid the cat's litter box and eat their mess. Fortunately, it is not bad for the dog.

Can a dog use a litter box?

I don't know, but i have had dogs eat my cat's poop before, so be careful! YUM! Dogs can be trained to use a litter box with a short (about 1 inch high) edge, but they do not like to hop over large sides. Also, dogs prefer to go on a "wee wee pad," instead of in litter.

What should you put in your rabbits litter box?

For rabbit litter you can use:HayStrawNewspaperAspen chips/shavingsWood stove pellets (the plain kind only, not the kind with accelerant!)Carefresh brandYesterday's News (by Purina)Boxo brandAlso put hay in the box, or in a feeder just above the box. Rabbits like to use the box as they graze, so this will encourage good litter habits and lots of hay eating!Do not useCedar or pine chips/shavings - they may cause kidney diseaseAnything that isn't safe to eat (bunnies often take a nibble of their litter), like:Cat litter (clay litter) - dangerous to eatCorn or wheat-based litters - unhealthy to eat

Do foopets use the bathroom?

You can when you walk your dog, but you can not when see it when your cat is using the litter box.

Will your 9 year old dog start eating poop if you get a cat?

Well for some reason dogs really like to eat cat poo. My dog tries to do it and he is 8. The thing you can do to not let this happen is blocking off the litter box so the dog cant get to it but the cats can.

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