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Step one is to find out whether another dog has ever urinated in the other person's house. If so, your dog may be reacting to that scent and believes it is okay to toilet there because other dogs have. Thoroughly cleaning the area with an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature's Miracle may help. Sometimes dogs don't generalize training. That means that just because they understand a command or behavior in one location doesn't mean they understand to apply it in another location. You may have to repeat training in the new location to help the dog generalize. With each new place where you review training it should take less and less time to get the job done. Supervise the dog closely when in a home other than your own. As with her original training, interrupt if she starts to act like she needs to toilet and rush her outside. Remember to praise when she goes in an appropriate location. Another approach is to control her feeding, toileting, and exercise schedule to reduce her need to toilet while you are visiting. Don't feed, water, or exercise for at least an hour before you plan to visit. Toilet just before entering in a designated potty area at the friends' home so she can see there is a designated area nearby and so she can empty out before you go in.

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One way of house breaking a dog is to leave them in a cage while you're gone, and immediately letting them outside to relieve themselves when you get back.

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14y ago

Put them outside before the people come. Dogs can not control their bladder when they are excited. They don't even know they're doing it!

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