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1/2 teaspoon equals one mashed anchovy

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Q: How do you substitute anchovy paste for anchovies?
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How many anchovies in 1 Tbsp anchovy paste?

About 3/4 of an anchovy

What is rustic Italian green sauce made with capers and anchovies?

Salsa Verde. If Anchovies are the focus, and more than just a bit of anchovy paste is used, it's called Acciughe in Salsa Verde. Salsa Verde. If anchovies are the focus and more than just a bit of anchovy paste is used, it's called Acciughe in Salsa Verde.

What is in a anchovies pizza topping?

the fish pizza topping are called sardinas.

What language does the word anchova come from?

Anchova is the Portuguese word for anchovy and can also mean herring-like. Anchovies are small fish that taste salty, canned, and made into a paste and used for cooking.

How do you say anchovy in French?

Anchovies are "des anchois" (masc., usually plural) in French.

What was the decline in the anchovy industry of Peru is blamed on?

People suddenly waking up to the fact that anchovies are disgusting, and the bottom consequently falling out of the international anchovy market.

What is the decline in the anchovy industry of Peru blame on?

People suddenly waking up to the fact that anchovies are disgusting, and the bottom consequently falling out of the international anchovy market.

The decline in the anchovy industry of Peru is blamed on?

People suddenly waking up to the fact that anchovies are disgusting, and the bottom consequently falling out of the international anchovy market.

What is blamed for the decline in the anchovy industry in Peru?

People suddenly waking up to the fact that anchovies are disgusting, and the bottom consequently falling out of the international anchovy market.

Is anchovy sexual or asexual?

Anchovies reproduce sexually. They release eggs and sperm into the water, where fertilization occurs externally.

What are foods that start with the letter A?

Apple, Apricot, Anchovy, Aspargus, Apple Pie, Apple Turnover...

What is paste made of olives capers and anchovies called?