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There are often multiple supervisors for a given category so that is not a problem.

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Q: How do you supervise an already supervised category on WikiAnswers?
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Do you get to choose what category you want to supervise when you are a supervisor?

Sometimes. If there are already enough supervisors in a given category, you may be able to supervise a sub-category or another category. There are also "floating" supervisors, who are generalists that have basically the same powers as category supervisors, but just help out wherever they're needed.

How can you get a job at WikiAnswers?

Well, you don't really get a paying job here at WA, you are usually asked by another Supervisor if you would like to become a Supervisor. It is kind of something that is done by recommendations. If you have a lot of contributions, are a registered user, have quality answers, and know how to use a lot of the site tools you can become a Supervisor. If you see a category that does not already have a supervisor and you feel that you can be a Super for that category you can click on the link beside the questions that says " Can you supervise this category?" and right beside of it there will be a link in blue that says "Become a Supervisor". It is on the left side of the page. Community Assistants and Technical and Development staff work for WikiAnswers. The job posting page for a job on is listed in the Related Links area below.

What are the guidelines for suggesting a new category?

There are only 2. 1. Make sure the category you'd like to suggest does not already exist. 2. We ask that you do a search of all WikiAnswers questions pertaining to the topic of the category you'd like to suggest. If more then 100 results come forth that relate to that topic then it's worth making a category for. How to: Select the "Search" option at the top-right of any page on WikiAnswers, search in "Questions" and type in the category you'd like to suggest. Let's say the category you'd like to suggest is Pizza, type "Pizza" in the search bar and if 100+ results come up, it's a category worth suggesting. After that, you may contact a Community Assistant and they will consider that category for creation.

Can you have a card making sub category in the arts and crafts category?

We already do, its called "Papercrafts", I categorized this Question in this Sub-category.

Will WikiAnswers add parkour as a sport or activity soon?

They have already.

Can you create your own category on this website if one is not on here?

To request a category, e-mail WikiAnswers @ (remove spaces) and tell them the name of the category that you would like it to be called. Basically, all requested categories are created. They will get back to you in up to 3 days saying that the category has been created and will take 1-2 hours to set up. Please see the related links to view the newest categories and the categories that have already been created.

Is WikiAnswers doing anything to attract more users?

WikiAnswers is already rather popular. On most search engines, such as Bing or Google, if you ask a question, the WikiAnswers result should appear as one of the first couple of options for you to click on. There are also WikiAnswers blankets, hats, and other items to show your gratefulness to WikiAnswers. ____ WikiAnswers is always trying to attract more users by answering more questions, and improving answers that we already have.

Is everything on WikiAnswers right?

No. As you may know already, WikiAnswers is a USER-BASEDCommunity and not everyone is correct 100% of the time. I hope this helped you!

How many Catholics are already in heaven?

Only God can answer that question and He does not do WikiAnswers.

Why can't WikiAnswers answer questions that have to do with spelling?

Because you already spelled it lol!

What is the roman numeral for 154?

CLIV This has been already asked in wikianswers.

Why isn't guns of World War 2 a category on Wikianswers?

Likely because a gun category like that would overlap too much with gun categories that we already have. Guns that were used in World War II were used outside of the war as well, and that is a hard thing to sort out. It is easier to categorize by gun, rather than by historical period when the gun was made.