

How do you swear on club penguin without being banned?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Grow up. There is no need to swear.

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Q: How do you swear on club penguin without being banned?
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What happens if you swear on Club Penguin?

If you swear on club penguin you will be banned from club penguin for so long then you will be allowed back on unless you get banned FOREVER!!! willrr...

Can you take off a penguin in Club Penguin?

no but you can gt banned if you swear to much

How did your penguin ge t banned?

u swear that's how

When you name a puffle a swear do you get banned on Club Penguin?

no mnbvrulez

What are some consequences on Club Penguin?

If you swear then you will be banned for 24 hours.

Can you swear on Club Penguin?

If u swear in clubpenguin anywhere, including your igloo, you will be banned from the site for a minimum of 24 hours.

How do you swear on club penguin without getting band?

two things beforehand: 1. banned is spelled B-A-N-N-E-D 2. why do you want to swear on club penguin alot of kids go on there... Wow answer: YOU CAN NOT THERE IS A RUMOR THAT YOU CAN SWEAR IN YOUR IGLOO BUT I THINK IT IS FAKE AND I AM NOT TRYING IT MAN!! bye!

Can you swear when nobody is around in club penguin and not get banned?

Yes, I suggest you do it in your house though.

When will a Club Penguin ban end?

If you swear you will get banned for 24 hours If you get married or get a tum tum baby or if someone reports you you mostly get banned for 72 hours If you swear like 5-20 times in your penguin life or create or use a hack you will get banned forever I hope that hoped

Does club penguin kick you off if you say a swear word?

yes u will be banned for 24 hrs.

How long are you banned from club penguin if you swear once?

It depends. Worse and more the swears, longer the ban. Usually for swearing you can get banned from 18 - 72 hours.

How do you do you get banned in 5 seconds on club penguin?

Swear, say racial comments, virtual sex anything bad really