

How do you take apart an XBOX?

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13y ago

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I suppose the only reasons you'd like to open your xbox are 1: to mod it. 2: to fix it. is a great place for online tutorials and help in both of these areas. Go here and research before you do anything stupid.

Be strongly warned, opening your xbox voids your warranty to your Xbox. If you screw anything up in the process of opening your xbox you'll be on your own.

That said, there are plenty of online tutorials and help on the mod scene that will be able to help your out of most situations. But do keep your wits about you, as there are various ways to nuke your xbox if you are not careful. Researching each of your moves throughly.

To take an xbox apart, you first need two-sized 'torx' screw drivers. Lie the Xbox upside-down and flap each of the pads up to reveal 4 screws. There will also be two screws under the two stickers on the back. Undoing all 6 of these (they'll be quite long) will take a bit of time. Once they are all taken out, flip the xbox the right way up. Hold onto the grills on both sides of the xbox and lift directly up. The case should come up easily, but can get caught.

It's been a while since i have done this, but i followed a online tutorial.

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13y ago

There should be screws on the side of the ebox but i suggest you not do it at a high risk of breaking it or you will be unable to put it back. If you want to fix it pay a man at a game store that allows people to give them you console to fix it. dont think that getting someone to di it is smart because its alot of money.

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