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We pluck them bald, dip them in tar and feather them.

Actually, if you find someone causing trouble you can report them to a supervisor. The supervisor will probably issue a warning for a first offense unless it is really obvious the person is just trying to do as much damage as possible. A third offense after two warnings usually results in the offender being blocked. How long they remain blocked depends on just how badly they were behaving.

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Q: How do you take care of trolls on WikiAnswers?
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How many of the people who post questions on WikiAnswers are trolls?

As far as i can tell, just you.

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a sword

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Some feel they need to be seen or heard. Those are the teenage trolls. They are easily weeded out by supervisors.

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If you find an answer that was copied from anywhere, flag it or take care of it yourself. Plagiarism is not allowed on WikiAnswers.

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Just talk to any Supervisor, and they'll take care of it for you.

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You show them that you are responsible enough to take care of your self while you are out with a friend.

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Questions with no value on Wikianswers are questions that are not needed to be asked and simply waste time and space on this website. If you think you have a good question that ends up here when you ask it, E-mail Wikianswers directly and they'll take care of it.

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Because WikiAnswers helps and teaches a lot of people who need answers.

Can you take quizes on WikiAnswers?

acually i had to think about and the answer in no u can not take quizes on wikianswers

How do you file a bug for WikiAnswers?

You can email WikiAnswers at wikianswers at wikianswers dot com (remove the spaces and put where at a @ sign and dot put . Or you can go to the Community Forum and go into the Malfunction Section and report the bugs there. It will be quicker (My opinoin)Becasue supervisors and CA's take care of the bugs where Supervisors just send the message to CA's.

Who has the power to merge questions on WikiAnswers?

Supervisors can merge questions on WikiAnswers. You can notify Supervisors through the Community Forum, which is checked regularly. It will help if you include the URLs for the questions you think should be merged and we'll take care of it.