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Q: How do you take someones identity?
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Is it identity theft if you use a someones credit card with there permission?

Yes, using someone's credit card without their permission is considered credit card fraud, not identity theft. Identity theft involves stealing someone's personal information to commit fraud or other crimes beyond just using their credit card.

How do you find someones true identity on facebook?

There are no defined benchmark of authenticity on Facebook account, so its near to impossible to identify the real identity of anyone on Facebook. On the other side, you can identify the real identity of the brand page.

Can you take someones cellphone by force?

you can but it is ilegle

You can sit on it but can't take it with you?

Someones lap.

Why do you think enslaved people were not allowed to keep their African names?

It was used as a tactic to "break" them much like cattle and horses. Names hold power and when you take away someones name, you take away their identity. Their sense of self. It was used to show control and dominance.

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How can you take someones mind of pain?

Sing them a song.

What precautions must you take when taking the someones pulse rate?

you cannot press your two fingers hard on someones pulses

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It means to be neutral. Not to take someones side

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Can you volunteer to take someones place in prison?

No, individuals cannot volunteer to take someone else's place in prison, as prison sentences are determined by a court of law based on the committed crime. Each person is responsible for their actions and consequences.

What can you do with someones social security number?

Open a credit account, steal their identity, keep your social security number as safe as you can.