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Q: How do you talk like a emo scene person?
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Is scene like emo?

i dont get it... what do you mean scene?

Can emo be a phase?

yes, i was emo and now im scene, most ppl who leave being emo become scene like me XxXxXxXxX conversechickXxXxXxXxX

Do emo children like scene children?

"Emo" kids might like "scene" kids. But It's not vice versa. Real Scene Kids believe that emo is nothing but a cheap imitation of scene mixed with goth. The general thought of "scene" in society today, is that people just stereotype scene as emo. Which in fact pisses off the scene crowd. Due to some similarities they're easily confused. Most people in middle school/Freshman & sophomores are considered "emo". Due to they are not that old and most likely following the teeny bopper trends. So in conclusion, Emo's and scene's do not get along due to the fact that real scene people hate "emo's". The End. the person who wrote this is wrong^ everyone know that scen kids and emo kids always get along they hang out together, they may have their fueds somethimes but they in fact do get along.

Are scene people emo?

No they just like to dress like that.

Difference between emo and scene?

emo is the whole package scene is dressing like your emo

Do you have to be depressed to be a emo?

yes but if ur half emo ur not called emo ur called scene.ppl dat r scene have a emo hair cut but hav color stricks. they hav emo clothes but its more colorful. i should know im scene, used too be emo any more Q just ask me.... XxXxXxXxX conversechick XxXxXxXxX

How do you eplain scene to someone?

Its an style of being emo, but its not exactly the same, scene is like having the emo "style" with your own twist of personality.

What is the difference between a scene girl and an emo girl?

Scene is just a fashion..scene kids are ppl who just look emo or punkish..some may call it 'emo try-hard'..emo is also a fashion but is also a genre and the deep stuff like self harming..scene kids dont do that.

Which is better emo or scene?


Is des EMO?

If you are talking about the des on DesandNate on Youtube, well then, Destrey is not emo, he is simply scene, like myself. scene is catergorized by bitchin hair, while emo is a state of mind. hope i helped.

What do scene or emo guys like in a girl?

emo-ness, emo girls usually understand them cuz most other ppl dnt

What are emo clothes?

emo clothes are styled according to the person wearing the clothes.Like scene is different then other emo trends like goth, hippie, punk, jock, skater etc.So there is not really a type the only way to know what emo clothes are you have to have a category like then ones I listed above then just go on from that to see truly what emo clothes are.