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I would invest in a gentle leader. It is like a bridle for a horse, it lets you control the dogs head. This will help you pull your dog as they cannot pull against you as hard as they could if you had just a regular collar or a shoulder harness on.

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Q: How do you teach a dog not to run away when you are on a walk?
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Can you teach a dog to not run away?

Hi, Fortunately, an escaping habit is treatable, mostly by making your dog's world as interesting and fulfilling as possible. Spend time with your dog. Make sure she feels comfortable in her home and attached to members of the household. For more info on how to teach a dog no to run away, check this out:

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Just put them into the ball, they will teach themselves, keep them away from stairs that go down, occasionally they will run into the wall or something but they are self taught ball walkers for sure"

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no. they can walk if you let them, but they can't run away. impossible.

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It depends on the dog.

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Run your mouse on your Mpet and it will say "Walk Your Mpet"

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it can run a long wase away

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Dogs have a much better sence of hearing than we do. The dog may have heard something far away that has frightened it.

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You can either just walk (or run) away from them or say something along the lines of "This isn't cool", and then walk away. If they follow you, run and get help.

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exercise it more often. like how ceasar milan says to walk the dog to run down its energy and teach it better behaviors by handling it more often.

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