

How do you teach a kitten to nures?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Most cats/kittens do it on their own. When the kittens are born the mother will lick them and nudge them towards her stomach to nurse.

Only when a kitten is being neglected by it's mother, if she licks all the others but one and en out rages them all to nurse but that one, you should rub the kitten down with a warm towel (you should be g gloves so you don't get your sent on them) and move it to the mother to nurse. If she doesn't except it, keep trying, the last resort would be to bottle feed.

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There are many books which provide great information on kitten care. 'Kitten Care & Training: An Owner's Guide to a happy, healthy pet' written by Amy D Shojai has many good reviews on Amazon and would be a good resource for learning how to care for your new kitten.

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