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One of my best friends is a girl she asked me out straight out I let her down gently and are relationship hasn't changed just tell her how u feel if she dosnt feel that way she'll let u down gently and if she's a good true friend she'll forget about it or won't care.

Another way is that you could just simply ask her questions about herself and if you dont want her to know just kinda bring it up in a convo or sommut, then if she asks tell her sommut like ''i just wanted to get to no u a bit better thts all''. and lool tht wot happened wid me and my bf lol

- shanz

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Q: How do you tell a friend whos a girl that you want to know them better?
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I assume you are a girl and she is your friend. You need to keep this to yourself if you want to keep her as a friend. I know this will be hard, but your choice is telling her and loosing a friend or not telling her and keeping a friend. I would say keeping a friend is better than not having one.

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a girl will talk to u a lot and help u out with problems, make u laugh, and know u better then anyone else.

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if he's your best friend you should be able to tell him anything, and he should know better! but i mean just pull him aside and tell him you don't appreciate him flirting with your g/f OR PUT YOUR FOOT UP HIS A**

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just tell her if she whants to be your friend and get to know her for a while then ask her out.

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that means that the guy is interested in the girl and that the guy wants the girl to know but he is kind of shy to tell the girl so he tells his friend to tell you. is that girl you though? becasue i dont really understand this question.

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if your a guy and your friend is a girl how can you tell if she is in love with you?

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Thats cute!! And just go talk to her! Or tell him to... Its better if he does it though(:

Me and my best friend like the same girl but he doesn't know what do I do?

Tell him! If he can't accept that, then he isn't a good friend.

How do you tell your best friend that you like them?

if your friend is a girl and your a boy you tell them that you know someone likes likes you and she asks who say "i cant tell you." and then the next day tell her you like her. if your a girl telling a boy that same thing. if your a girl taking to a girl tell them you are like a sister or brother to each other or something like that

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You should tell her that your a cool guy, there's many things that you don't know about me and I would love to get to know you better- add a smile at the end.

What to do if you want the attention of a girl?

you could play with them and you could tell your best friend to tell the girl you like and tell you friend you want to go out with the girl and then she will give you the answer like yes or no but i hope she say yes........!!!!!!!!!!!Answer:Talk to her, get to know her and let her get to know you. Let her know that you're a nice guy and that you care about her. Then once you're sure about it and you are good friends ask her out.