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While it is difficult to determine, it's not impossible. Boys have longer claws and tails, which becomes more apparent as they get over 1 year old. I have a 1 1/2 yr old male and I noticed his nails had a growth spurt 2 months ago and are now very pronounced. My advice is to go to the pet store and ask for the turtles ages, then look at the different lengths in both the nails and tails. Good luck.

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Q: How do you tell a girl red ear slider turtle from a boy red ear slider turtle?
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to see if a red eared slider is a boy or girl, look at the claws and tail. if they r long it is a girl. if they r short it is a boy. I know because I have two of them

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flat bottom shell female, indented bottom shell male, he has to be able to stay mounted

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How do you tell if your red ear slider turtle is a boy?

If he has long nails he's a boy . If you look underneath his shell (the bottom part) and the black spots at the bottom of it is close together it is a boy. You cannot tell if your turtle is a boy or a girl until it's 10 cm long.

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female red ear slider have a much shorter tail then the male.

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By spelling turtle right.

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uiovhy ui9ovhgfuidbn fjkdfdbfhyud

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ask a vet