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Buy A Book On Bearded Dragons! You Can Get Them Cheap On Amazon!

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Q: How do you tell if a 1 month old baby bearded dragon is a boy or not?
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How can you tell if your bearded dragon has impaction?

Look at it

How can you tell if a bearded dragon has MBD's?

you can tell if your bearded dragon is limping or his tail is croocked at a weird angle. if you do find those symptoms take you bearded dragon to the nearest vet with a expert on reptiles for this deasease can be fatal if not treated and cared for.

How to tell now I'm a female bearded dragon?

Finding out the gender of a bearded dragon is simple to do. All you have to do is lift up the tail if there is a slit then it is a boy.

What can you house with a bearded dragon?

I can't tell you everything that can be housed with a bearded dragon, but in the local pet store the owner does a boarding service, the other week I saw a tortoise and a bearded dragon in the same cage from the same owner, they live together in a vivarium and get on well.

Second lizard bearded dragon or crested gecko?

Definitely a bearded Dragon, they are much more a tame and active in the day. A beardie will cost you more but i can tell you they are amazing pets. :) P.S I have 2 crested Geckos and 5 Bearded Dragons

What age can you tell if a bearded dragon is a boy or girl?

Usually you can tell if your bearded dragon is a boy or a girl in the first 3-5 months.

How can you tell if your bearded dragon's back legs are paralyzed?

have they moved???? if you're worried see the vet

Do have to feed a bearded dragon crickets?

Yes. Crickets are a main staple in a Beardie's diet. Google, "Bearded Dragon Caresheet", it will tell you all the information you need. I would read at LEAST five or six care sheets before doing anything, though.

Why is your bearded dragon making a tweet nose?

to tell you its hungry or it wants to crawl outside the exhibit/container

How do you tell your bearded dragon you love them?

They can't understand words but after a while it will bond with you ( I've wanted a beardie) :)

How can you tell how old a bearded dragon is?

It is really difficult to tell how old a dragon is. They grow at different rates and different breeds are different sizes. An adult dragon is generally more that 16 inches nose to tail. In my experience a 6 month old is anywhere from 10-16 inches. 2 months old around 5-7 inches. Sorry I can't help more.... Feel free to send me a message if you have more specific information that may help to figure it out.

What month can you tell if it is a boy or girl baby?

The 16th month of a normal human pregnancy