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Q: How do you tell if a white tree frogs pregnant?
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Is bamboo safe for white's tree frogs?

No, its leaves are toxic to Red-Eyed Tree Frogs.

How did tree frogs get their name?

White's tree frogs are named after the person who first discovered them; John White

Weight of the whites tree frogs?

White's tree frogs can weigh anywhere from 90-180 grams.

What is the difference between frogs and tree frogs?

you can tell if you find one on a tree and it is camoflaged in the tree so you might not see one.

Do you have frogs?

I do. I have a White's Tree Frog who is 16 years old!

What is a white tree frogs diet?

They eat crickets.

What is a group of white tree frogs?

White's tree frogs live on the northeast coast of Australia.

How can you tell if a green tree frogis pregnant?


Why do frogs make good pets?

If you are a beginner frog keeper, you need a friendly, easy-to-take-care-of frog. Green tree frogs, White's tree frogs, and African Dwarf frogs are some that are good starter frogs. Beginners should NEVER get Pacman frogs, bullfrogs, Pixie frogs, or Red-eyed tree frogs. You should only get these frogs if you are an experienced frog keeper. Pacman frogs bite and snap and growl, bullfrogs are huge and vicious, and can give you a nasty bite (so can Pacman frogs!), Pixie frogs are big and also vicious, and Red-eyed tree frogs are VERY VERY VERY fragile and break joints easily. So again, Green tree frogs, White's tree frogs, and African Dwarf frogs are the way to go!

Do white lipped tree frogs predators?

They have large pads on their fingers and toes that assist them while climbing.

Does it kill tree frogs if you hold it?

no, not tree frogs, but some other frogs can be like that

Do tree frogs eat bark?

No. Tree frogs eat insects. All frogs are carnivorous.