

How do you tell if your gay?

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16y ago

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I always knew and didn't have to figure it out. You say Gay so I will assume you are male, but this applies to females also. Age can be a factor, everyone experiments and it may just be that. Older than 16-18 I would ask you who do you think about as a sex partner? What or who do you think about when you masturbate? As far as I'm concerned, that's the real test. What you think about when there is no one but yourself to please and turn on? If you are, Congratulations and welcome to the team. Pace yourself, don't make any stupid, possibly fatal mistakes and get on with your life. If you are, that's who and what you are supposed to be and being Gay can be as fulfilling and rewarding a life as any other. It is all in what you do with it.

If you are sexually attracted to persons of the same sex, and not to persons of the opposite sex, you are gay.

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You can't. The only way to "tell" if a person is gay is to ask them.

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You can't tell. A gay man might let you know he is gay by acting in a stereotypical way, exaggerating his speech and gestures. But if he doesn't do that, then you can't tell.

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There is no way of telling if a child will be or is gay. Ask them, and if they trust you enough, they will tell you an honest answer.

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Act gay and maybe she'll call you gay!