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Well the main signs would be swelling, limping or other very noticeable signs. However a horse with bad hocks may also have a very subtle deformity or slow arthritic changes, you may even be able to hear the hock joint click if the Arthritis has progressed enough.

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Q: How do you tell if your horse has a bad hock?
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A horse with a hard lump on the top of its hock is said to have a hock?

It is called a capped hock. A horse's hock is the same as a human ankle. Most likely if your horse has a large bump on the top of its hock, it has been injured in some way. On a horse that has not been injured there should be what appears as a small bump on the back of their hock, this is called the point of the hock. I would suggest consulting your vet about any bumps you find on the front of a horse's hock.

A horse with a hard lump on the top of its hock is said to have what?

A capped hock.

How do you cure a horse with hock pain?

If a horse has hock pain you should call an Equine Veterinarian and have them do a full work up on the horse to find why the hocks are sore.

What is a hock?

Hock (wine), a type of wine; Hock (zoology), part of an animal's leg; Ham hock, the end of a smoked ham. OR Hock; a part of a horse. A hock is a joint made up of many smaller bones. The strength of the hocks are very important as this is the most active joint in the horse hind legs. Poorly conformed hocks may make the horse susceptible to break down if the horse is worked very hard. the part on a chicken at the top of its head that is red

What part of a horse's leg does the human ankle correspond to?

It corresponds to the horse's hock.

Joint between the horses hock and hip?

The joint between the horse's hock and hip is called the Stifle joint.

To what does the horse's hock correspond in humans?

Wrist bones.

Where is a horse's hock?

A horse's hock is located on the back legs of the horse. It is the joint that would act as a knee for the horse and is the large joint located about half way up the horse's leg. Additional information: in comparative anatomy the hock joint is equivalent to a human ankle so it bends backward instead of forward. The stifle joint in a horse actually the same as a human knee joint.

Hock rhymes with dock and What is the last part of the horse that rhymes with both?

The Horse Isle 2 answer for this is forelock

How do you hock a legendary Pokemon in Pokemon de luge luge?

My brother and I looked up hock on, and it said that it was a joint in the ankle of a horse, or a type of wine.

What do the following words all have in common Wither Dock Hock?

They are all parts of a horse.

What is the area between a horse's knee or hock and the fetlock joint?

the pastern