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I'm having the same problem but I didn't tell them yet. Go on goggle and type the same question. There's some advise. I'm not sure if my dad is cheating but even if I knew, I wouldn't tell them cuz I don't want them to seperite.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Stay out of it.If she is, just be there for your Dad when he needs you. He may resent you if you tell him . Only way you can do this is if your step-mom goes to a " Tupperware party" , ask your Dad to take you to the "Tupperware party" for dinner. It has to look like a total coincidence .

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14y ago

* It is best to let both of your parents work their own problems out. Don't second guess the fact your mother is cheating; she may well not be and it may be your father who has cheated or perhaps they have made arrangements to go their separate ways while living under the same roof. However, hopefully both your parents have a solid marriage, but this doesn't mean that they don't have problems. It is wise to just keep out of it and let them resolve their own problems.

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14y ago

You could ask her. In this scenario, you say, "Mom, can you tell me why you would do such a thing to dad?" Her look should give you your answer. Of course, if she has not, you run the risk of looking silly!

Another view:

This is really none of your business if she is or not. But for the sake of answering your question, let's assume she is, and address it from that angle.

It is a very personal thing for your mom, and it is between her and your father. If your mom is involved with someone else, I'm sure she didn't enter into it lightly, and I'm sure she is struggling with it emotionally every single day.

As a wife and as a mother, I'm sure your mom realizes just what is at stake here, which would make this all the more difficult for her. What if she is truly unhappy in her marriage, yet she's staying at great personal sacrifice to her own happiness for the sake of her children? That's not to say she doesn't love your dad (I really have no idea), nor is it to say her unhappiness is your dad's or her fault. It just is what it is.

Often, as people grow, they tend to realize who they are, what they are and what they really want from life. And they realize what they don't want from life, that being living in an unhappy marriage or living their life for others. That's not to say that is what your mom is doing, but it is a possibility. Nor is it to say what she is doing is right, but again, it is what it is.

You need to say and do absolutely nothing. At least for now. Give your mom time to figure out who she is and what she wants from life. This could be just a phase, trying to figure out just where her place in this life is. Don't make things more difficult for her by confronting her with your suspicions (you also have to realize your suspicions could be wrong).

And please, do NOT discuss this with others! Things like this have a way of getting around and can cause irreparable damage, to her, your dad, and your entire family.

Just give your mom and dad time and privacy to work this out themselves, and don't make it worse for them by telling anyone your suspicions. I understand how you would feel angry, hurt and betrayed if your mom is involved with someone else, and I know this can't be easy on you. But as hard as it is on you, you have to realize it is far, far more difficult on your mom. She is the one who is struggling with trying to find happiness, while still being a wife to your dad and a mom to you.

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13y ago

when your dad is cheating on your mom and you wanna know the truth, well you need to look for the smallest signs. signs like has your dad been uncomfortable in the marriage and look forbig sings to like your dad gone for hours at a time and when he does come home he smell fresh and you know every time he comes home from his job he smells like old wet gym socks and another big sign like a change in your dads behavior.

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13y ago
  • Although you may be concerned about your father cheating this should be between your mother and father. Your mother is wise and if your father is cheating she will soon find out. The only way you would know for sure if your father is cheating is if you saw him with another woman holding hands or kissing.
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Q: How to tell if your step mom is cheating on your dad?
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I would first talk to your mom about it, if you dont want to take it that far yet, tell a school counselor, or an adult that you trust! Then tell your dad that you found out. good luck!

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wow this is pretty deep, especially when you are a daughter or son of a mom who you know is cheating on your dad. I would have a serious talk with your mom about it. don't just come out and ask her "are you cheating on dad" but ask her relating questions such as "do you still love dad?" "are you and dad having problems" "do you want to leave dad?" "are you still happy being married to dad" etc. these questions may lead to answers that are defensive in nature or give key indicators that she is cheating. she may feel so guilty about what she is doing and by your questions, that she may just come out and tell you she is cheating. but either way, do not go and tell your dad your mom is cheating because you do not want to start any problems. unfortunately you are the child, and your mom and dad are the adults, I know it hurts to see your mom do this to you dad, but they will deal with matters in their own way. you do not want to be in the middle of it all. I do suggest, however, that if it gets out of hand, that you tell your mom straight up that you know she is cheating and that she should stop or tell your dad the truth so you do not have to keep seeing her hurt your dad. maybe your parents shouldn't be together if they are having problems like that. I'm sorry though. that's tough to go through. depending on your relationship with your mom will ultimately guide you to how you will confront this problem. if it was me and I saw my mom cheating on my dad, I would just come out and ask why she was doing that. because me and my mom have a very close relationship.

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