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My question, is your friend out? Does he/she tell everyone that he/she is gay? If not, then telling people that your best friend is gay isn't something you should do. Besides, what difference does it make? Does it really matter whether they know or not? Do these people ask if your friend is gay or you wanting to volunteer the information?

If this person is truly your "bestest" friend, then whether gay, straight, or bi, it shouldn't matter. Other people don't need to know. If your friend is okay with them knowing then telling them shouldn't be a problem. I personally wouldn't just go around telling everyone my best friend is gay, not that I would be embarrassed, but being over flamboyant about it may be a bit much.

My next question is, "Why would you even care or want to tell them?" If it were to come up in conversation and they ask, then I can understand, and if that is what you are referring to then just tell them, this person is supposed to be your best friend and you shouldn't care what others think. If you are just wanting to go around telling them your have a gay best friend, think about WHY, before you do that.

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