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Talk to them firmly, but fairly.

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Q: How do you tell someone that you are mad at them without hurting them?
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How do you ask a girl out that you are mad at?

It is best not to ask out a girl while you are in this phase. You are more likely to act without thinking or act impulsively and end up hurting someone. Wait until your "mad phase" is over and do it then.

What to say to someone when youre mad at then?

u tell them ur mad and why, and if its really important u tell them that what they did is just to mean

I'm mad at my friend the thing is I don't want to tell her because she might get mad How can I tell her without her getting mad?

I think you should just tell her the truth if she's a true friend she won't be mad at you and will respect you for being honest

What should you do if you're mad at yourself for hurting someone accidentally?

* Have the backbone to face the person, look them in the eye and tell them there is no excuse for the way you treated them and apologize. Hopefully the person will forgive you and perhaps respect you for facing up to the fact you hurt them.

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there is no way of telling him without him getting hurt but words from somebody that told a friend her boyfriend was cheating on her she got mad at me and i lost my friend and they are still together there is no way of telling him without him getting hurt but words from somebody that told a friend her boyfriend was cheating on her she got mad at me and i lost my friend and they are still together

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well they will get mad but if it is like drugs or smoking and drinking underage i wouldent care if they were mad i would tell on them 2 save their live

How do you tell your parents you were dating someone behind their backs?

Just tell them that you need to talk to them, and that what you are about to tell them that they shouldn't get mad at you because you have your agency to do what you want and then tell them you were dating someone.

How much champagne can a 50 lbs. dog drink without severely hurting itself?

Are you mad?! You shouldn't let you dog drink at all!!

How do you hug a guy without him thinking your weird or getting mad?

All you have to do is tell him you feel down and you want someone to hug, but your friends are gone(by the way you should ditch your friends). Or you tell him you want a hug.

How can you tell your friend that you like the same guy she likes without getting her mad?

tell her while shes drunk

How can you tell if someone doesn't want to be your friend?

Apologize for what you did. If they still are mad, then they are not a good friend

How do you tell someone you know they are lying without making them feel mad?

You don't make anyone feel mad or any other way. We all choose how we feel. If the person is lying and you are sure they are, call them on it. It does no one any good to let it continue. If they want to get mad about being caught lying, that is their problem, not yours.